To Keep You Smiling All Weekend …

July 25, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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Texas Republican Congressfool Kevin Brady’s subcommittee on Health opened his hearing with frightful predictions that the ACA is going to destroy Medicare Advantage plans and old people were gonna die in the streets because of it.

Only problem is that Brady doesn’t know shoot from shineola.  Medicare Advantage has never been stronger.

Republicans repeatedly called Obamacare a raid on Medicare despite the fact that their own experts, who were sitting right in front of them, disagreed. The scene was surreal. Republicans kept discussing how Obamacare is destroying Medicare while ignoring the facts that were being presented to them at their own hearing.

The hearing itself was another waste of time and money as House Republicans continue to try to convince the American people that affordable access to healthcare is a bad thing.

Don’t you hate it when that happens?

Admit it, Fools, Obamacare is successful.

Thanks to Alan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “To Keep You Smiling All Weekend …”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    I remember subcommittee hearings I’ve sat through. Blahblahblahblahhhhhhh. Very few folks there are LISTENING.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. Those guys propping up non-workable ideas get paid to say what they do. I mean, a paycheck’s a paycheck, and sometimes more than that.

  3. UmptyDump says:

    Fifty years the song “Louie Louie” topped the pop charts and endures today despite being investigated by the FBI for allegedly obscene lyrics. The inquiry led to nothing because nobody could really make anything intelligible out of the lyrics.,_Louie

    Now in this day and age we have our own “Louie,” whose words are intelligible but nonsensical … spouting thoughts that are obscene in a civilized society.

  4. UmptyDump says:

    Oops – meant to post the preceding to today’s Gohmert item. Sorry!

  5. I want anybody aspiring to public office to have to take a little test. “Does 1 + 1 =2?” If the answer is No, or It depends, or anything other than Yes… then sorry, you’re not qualified. Same goes for voters.

  6. They are trying to rile up their base of old people so the fight would be the old people vs ACA supporters and everyone ignores the republicans trashing all the programs that help people, continuing the subsidies to the rich, and how wrong they are on everything. I still remember how several years ago before ACA was passed, a bunch of old, white upper middle-class people standing on a corner waving signs that said “keep government out of medicare” and “no death panels”.

  7. W. C. Peterson says:

    Medicare Advantage? Isn’t that the program that’s just like Medicare but costs 20% more because some private insurance company is administering the program for the government? Another rip-off, like George Waste Bush’s faith-based initiatives? (are we still pouring my tax dollars down those religious rat holes?)

  8. Republicans want to get rid of Medicare, too–they’ve said so in the past. They just don’t say it in front of AARP. Why any person who thinks they’ll live to 65 votes for a Republican is beyond me.

  9. Bananas says:

    The insurance industry ($109K) and health professionals ($66K) are Brady’s #2 and #3 donor groups with Pharma/health products not far behind ($47K) at #5 He also received substantial donations ($39K) from hospitals & nursing homes #9.

    You would think they explained to him that the ACA is profitable for them, lots of new customers. Maybe he doesn’t listen to them either.
