Tick, Tick, Tick…

December 13, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Insurrection

The January 6th released a 51 page report last night, including references to emails and texts to and from Mark Meadows, who’s likely to be charged with Contempt of Congress today for defying a committee subpoena.  What did one January 5th email say?  It said that the National Guard was on standby to, “Protect Trump people.”  That’s right, apparently Meadows was involved in trying to use the National Guard to help Trump overturn the election.  That explains, more than any other explanation, why the Pentagon and National Guard leadership took hours to respond.  They were on standby to defend the wrong side, and when the violent mob stormed the Capitol Building, someone in leadership likely balked at helping them.

Now let’s think about this.  Just the previous summer Trump used the National Guard to violently clear Lafayette Square for a political stunt that included a photo op while holding and upside down Bible in front of St. John’s church.  Then he wanted to use that same force to overturn the election.  Luckily, he didn’t succeed, but that doesn’t mean he won’t try it again.  The truth will come out.  Tick, Tick, Tick…

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0 Comments to “Tick, Tick, Tick…”

  1. So, I had been thinking that the brass in the Pentagon were not thrilled about the optics of the situation if and when any of their troops arrived on the ground around the Capitol. Our enemies around the world would have used it against us. At that moment of calamity, this sounded odd but neither stupid nor cowardly. As a country we are set up with a solid separation between military and civilian. Would like to know more about the brass in the Pentagon who decided to abide by the separation and leave Meadows et al. hanging by their own petard.

  2. Nick Carraway says:

    Of course, when I saw the headline (tick, tick, tick) I assumed it was in reference to the fact that the commission is running out of time. The former administration is doing the equivalent of taking a knee and running out the clock. If Congress changes hands in 2022 we likely lose any chance to hold these assclowns responsible.

  3. But will it be enough to actually turn the Trump supporters against him? He could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue . . .

  4. Nick @#2 – The Democratic Party is like the Washington Generals, the team that always loses to the Globetrotters. The description of the Washington Generals from Wikipedia:

    The Generals exist primarily as a part of the Harlem Globetrotters’ act, effectively being stooges for the Globetrotters. While the Globetrotters play tricks and spectacular displays of skill for the crowd, the Generals attempt to play a “normal” game of basketball. The Generals’ games involve playing genuine basketball at times, but also not interfering in the Globetrotters’ tricks. Almost every game has ended in a resounding win for the Globetrotters.

    Sound familiar?

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    It will be interesting to see how many of these generals retire soon to try to avoid being linked to January 6th, sorta like the Old Pretender’s sister did when an investigation got too close to her.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Grandma Ada @5, maybe Chuck Flynn brother to ‘lock her up’ Flynn? Imagine that. Two flag rank traitors in the same family, plus criming Michael G, nephew and son to the traitor generals.

    Those Flynns sure seem to be a fun bunch. Nearly a criming as the tRump clan.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I am so sick of the lack of urgency in bringing people to justice for the Jan 6 treason by both the congress and the doj. I don’t know how much more evidence is needed that all this comes back to one donald j trumpf and his lieutenants. All his underlings need to be held accountable along with him. WTF merrick garland.

  8. Nick Carraway says:

    Good parallel Mark. The Democrats are almost playing a different sport. They prod along as if business was normal. They attempt to push the legislative rock up the hill thinking if they can pass this next landmark bill then they’ll capture the hearts and minds of the majority. They have the majority but it just won’t matter.

  9. Mark, Nick beat me to it. That’s a great comparison.
    Some of us have talked about machine guns and knife fights, and that’s still just as true. But the idea of one team openly mocking and deriding the other team for playing by the rules they’re all supposed to be playing by is on the nose.

  10. And to expand a little, if the referees’ are the fourth estate in this analogy, repugnantcans’ve got that covered too. They don’t even have to buy all of them. They just hire as many as they want to throw into the mix. And their refs run around getting in the way of the Generals and the actual refs., tripping them when possible and pulling fouls outta their asses.
    But here’s the good [sic] part.
    The store bought refs know they’re playing for the crowd.
    Rile ’em up enough, and the crowd starts calling nonexistent fouls and throwing crap at the Generals.

    Mark, sorry I horned in on your analogy.
    It was just so good I couldn’t help myself.
