Someone Was Ahead of Us on the Texas Vigilante Law…and We Love It.

December 12, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Roe v. Wade

Gavin Newsome has announced he’s going to use the Texas vigilante anti-abortion bill as a model against assault weapon ownership in California.  He’s introducing legislation that empowers individuals to sue those who traffic in assault weapons and ghost guns.  Great minds think alike, yes?


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0 Comments to “Someone Was Ahead of Us on the Texas Vigilante Law…and We Love It.”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Go Gavin Go! Some of the worst federal law eliminated the rights of gun violence victims and their families from suing gun manufacturers for the deaths and destruction of spreading military style weapons into the general populace.

    For the record I am not anti gun. Guns are an essential part of ranch life. But to euthanize an animal if a veterinary is not available soon enough, gmafb, we don’t need multiple round clips nor assault weapons. Hell, any moron who cannot do the job with one round from a six shooter has NO business carrying a gun. Evuh.

    Carrying a gun inside city limits at any time? again gmafb Other than politicians, the only reason to shoot would be rats. But why? When there are safe ways to eliminate rats without guns.

  2. slipstream says:

    Hey Jane & PKM,

    There are city limits and then there are city limits. I live on the outskirts of Anchorage slap up against hundreds of miles of Alaska wilderness. Summers, the occasional ursus horribilis strolls through the yard. The local custom is a 12 gauge pump: the first three buckshot, the next three slugs. And that’s inside city limits. Haven’t shot one yet, but I have watched from about 30 feet . . .

  3. Is the GQP going to have a tantrum ?

  4. I come from hunting country and culture. Real gun owners in them thar parts do not have military style weapons of any sort. To do so would brand them as wanna-be’s. Hells bells! If you can’t take out a bear with one shot then move out of bear country! A rapid fire weapon only marks you as a clutz and probably blind. Or worse!

  5. maggie and slipstream, agreed and agreed. What some people think they ‘need’ is often spectacularly stupid overkill. Here there is no need to kill the bears. These local Sierra brown bears are friendly, or at least not aggressive by any standard. There was one mama with 2 cubs who would visit the family cabin at Lake Tahoe and was perfectly amenable to our Rottie playing with her cubs. But nevuh leave a window open with as much as a paw space. They will take that as an invite to picnic in the kitchen.

    No joke. These bears wear colored ear tags indicating if they’re prone to soft entry burglary defined as leaving a window open, or hard core burglars who will rip a door off its hinges if they are particularly hungry.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    I hope Newsome succeeds. There were/are hunters in my family, but a rifle or shotgun has been sufficient. All the guns that have flooded our streets are literally killing us – it’s got to stop!

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Good for Newsome. This will have another effect- that being the secede from California nuts will become nuttier. Not sure what the status is in CA, but in Oregon, similar whackos have secured enough petition signatures to be on county ballots. That’s all just political theater now but it’s a growing movement (among other things they are protesting gun legislation and of course Covid mandates). They want to become part of Idaho. Good luck with that. Not sure what state the California nuts want to become part of.

  8. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Steve from Beaverton – I wonder where that’ll leave my Portlandian offspring? They definitely do NOT want to be part of Idaho!

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Opinionated Hussy- probably will never happen but if it did, the Portland area counties would not be part of the secession. The good news is we’d no longer need to pay support to the counties seceding, and they are not paying their fair share now. And Idaho can’t afford to. They would get what they asked for and wished they’d thought it through. Good riddance in my opinion. Same in California for those wanting to split off.

  10. john in denver says:

    The problem with Newsom’s approach … identified in The Atlantic … is the Supreme Court is perfectly willing to play Calvinball in order to reach the conclusions they want to reach.
