Three Reasons Why Texas Has To Crawl Under the Bed and Hide

December 10, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Reason #1:


Reason #2:  



Reason #3:



If you need ten reasons, I can do that, too.


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0 Comments to “Three Reasons Why Texas Has To Crawl Under the Bed and Hide”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Reason #444 Michigan AG Dana Nessel to Ken Paxton:

    I will say this. directly to General Paxton if he is watching,. you know who voted for you in Michigan, General Paxton?. No one,. literally no one. Stay in your lane. stick to trying to disenfranchise voters in your own state and don’t come to mine.”

  2. Lucy Z Dawg says:

    After living in Austin for 3 years awhile back we always said – Austin’s a nice place, too bad it’s in Texas

  3. Chloe Bear says:

    I love Texas and my family but people and business’ should publicly state they are going to boycott Texas and the states that signed on to this stupid lawsuit. They are trying to undermine our democract.

  4. Sam in Superior says:

    Living in Texas is like being in Wisconsin without the cheese (and a winning NFL team).

    We are so lucky to have our Democratic Governor, Lt. Gov, and AG. Our legislature is every bit as bad as Texas’ but our executive branch saves us from lots of grief.

    BTW: Nowhere in Wisconsin could I find real TexMex food and barbeque. My taste buds grieve.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Well 106 repugnanticans in the house signed onto a letter asking the supremes to side with the Texas lawsuit to overturn the election. It’s time for the supremes to end this despicable group kiss up to the worst president in our entire history. The repugnantican party has truly sunk into a cesspool. The definition of cesspool is “a place of moral filth and immorality.”
    That’s where the are.

  6. Harry Eagar says:

    Steve.Yeah, it’s reputation time for the Supremes. No doubt they will wish to decline the complaint without comment.

    If they do it that way, they will surrender whatever is left of their reputation, which is not much.

  7. No, no more reasons. I read the first one, didn’t know who Gob Bluth was, went to Wikipedia and have spent the last half hour (or more) laughing at every insane thing I was reading. Not having a tv set for the last few decades, I never saw that show.

  8. I keep cringing as I hear the MSNBC presenters refer to that lawsuit as “Texas” lawsuit. The phrasing keeps sounding like all of Texas is taking these actions.

    Please, there are some sane and embarrassed good people in Texas. Don’t judge us on Paxton, Cruise, Cornyn, Gohmert, Abbot… Ah hell, maybe you should; these are the kinds of Awful non-humans so many Texans seem to vote for.

  9. Hmm, do you think Cruz will read Green Eggs and Ham to the Supremes. That seems to have more relevance than any legal standing for this case.

  10. Let me give us one reason to stand tall.
    Yesterday there was a fantastic SpaceX Starship test of SN8 at Boca Chica, TX.

    It had a few delays, and a pretty spectacular ending in the last few seconds, but it was 95% successful. Yeah, the last few minutes of the video show a smoldering heap of stainless steel, but yeow, it was cool for the prior 10 minutes.

    Check out the official SpaceX video link below. Watch the first 6-8min for a nice look at the second to last countdown, and another cloudless –brilliant– South Texas afternoon [high ~78F * @KPIL].
    About T-02m:20s they begin a hold process for over an hour.
    You can then skip the video ahead to ~1h:40min to catch the final countdown and launch.
    They switch to a 3-cam view that shows the ship, engines [from inside the motor chamber], and external control surfaces. On ascent, beyond the firing engines and controls/fins, you can see the GOM and Boca Chica Beach shoreline far below [where I spent much time].
    The left vid shows the ship going up, doing the planned bellyflop, then falling back to Earth.
    In the last few seconds the engines fire again, the ship rotates to tail-down vertical, and closes the landing pad. Unfortunately, due to a fuel pressure problem, it didn’t develop enough thrust to slow down enough and crashed in a big fireball on the pad, ouch.
    There’s other neat stuff in the middle of the almost two hour video, but that’s the highlights. [some cam cuts are from a hotel on SPI/or PI, looking to the Spaceport 5 miles away, across the Brownsville Ship Channel/Brazos Santiago Pass, could tell y’all some tales about fishing & sailing my home waters there]

    Czech it out:


  11. Grandma Ada says:

    I live in Houston and love it, but drive twenty miles out of town, rural folk still have their GOP political signs up and wear their MAGA hats. It’s like we are living in parallel universes and I just don’t understand how that can be.

  12. I moved to Texas to retire 15 years ago. From Colorado. Guess I should re-consider that decision. Texas is a terrific state…if one can stomach the incredibly corrupt politics. Ah..well…

  13. Yay to Michigan AG Dana Nessel. They have some awesome female public officials in my home state, not the least of which is “Big Gretch”, aka Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Maybe someday we’ll elect some people like that here in TX…

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Glad to see that the dishonorable kenny paxton was served with a subpoena by the FBI today as part of the investigation of his bribery and abuse of office. Maybe the pardon will come soon for him.

  15. The Surly Professor says:

    Steve from Beaverton @14: that is why Paxton is doing this. He wants / desparately needs a pardon from the Prez. And he seems to think Trump has a sense of loyalty or gratitude. Unless Paxton can accompany this with a check for several million, Trump wil do his best George W. imitation: “Kenny who?”

  16. Suggestion for a enterprising techie. Enbed heat sensors inthe sweat band of a MAGA, link it to synched LEDs, flashing rate calibrated to fever level. Red hat indicates Maga Trumpie and fast flashing indicates potential Covid infection.

    Wouldn’t Trumpers be proud to have their overtemp condition flashed to the world?

  17. the fourth snapshot for Mt Rushmore is some yahoo intending to introduce a bill allowing Texas to secede from the Union. While this is a bad idea that will go nowhere, it would mean two fewer US Senators and 16 republican representatives. We’d have to rejigger the flag, move US military bases, rebase NASA, etc. And Louie would be unemployed.

  18. @weakgrip—That yahoo is my state representative, Kyle Biedermann (R), Fredericksburg. He was just re-elected to a second term. His first official act the last go ’round was to send a “questionnaire” to all the Muslim communities in Texas to see if they were loyal to the United States. Ironic, isn’t it? I left a comment on his Facebook page that asked him what he plans to do to replace my Medicare and Social Security if Texas secedes. So far, no reply.

  19. TexasTrailerParkTrash @19, You have my sympathies from a similar county 150+ miles south of you [80%+Rethug].
    It’s beyond tragic how the descendants of original settlers of the area have devolved into a mental cesspool of MAGAotty tRumpanzees. Those truly freedom-loving German Freethinkers, mostly opposed to slavery and the Confederacy [and many were killed and impoverished by the Rebs] must be spinning in their limestone crypts.

  20. TexasTrailerParkTrash @19, Forgot– your Social Security is good no matter where you are. Deposit it into a domestic or foreign account, no prob.
    Medicare’s a problem though, iirc, it’s limited to coverage in the USA only.

  21. Harry Eagar says:

    Texas didn’t need Paxton to get a reputation for openly corrupt and stupid politicians. It had Pa and Ma Ferguson, Pappy O’Daniel and many smaller fry.

  22. Not surprisingly, Oregon’s AG, Ellen Rosenblum, tweeted at 11 pm (!) tonight that Oregon joined other state AGs in opposing Paxton’s ridiculous lawsuit.

    “Today I joined 22 AGs in filing a brief opposing Texas’ last-minute attempt to have the U.S. Supreme Court take the election from the American people. Texas has no business interfering in other states’ elections! The sooner the Court rejects this latest outrage, the better.”

    It sounds like Paxton is looking for a pardon from Trump. What are the other AGs and the 108 House members looking for? One of the 108 is Greg Gianforte of Montana, who just won the election for the governorship. Montana is going from great Gov. Steve Bullock (D) to Greg “I slugged a reporter” Gianforte. Ugh. And re-elected Steve Daines to the Senate over Bullock. Ugh, ugh, ugh. At least the wonderful Sen. Jon Tester (D) is still on duty for four more years.

  23. Nick Carroway says:

    Did I hear correctly that some idiot proposed a bill to allow us to secede? Are we going down that road again? For those that might be stumbling into this site on accident and don’t know, when Texas was readmitted into the union after the Civil War it made the treaty of 1845 null and void. We do not have a legal right to secede and even if we did it would be an incredibly stupid idea.

  24. el lagarto says:

    Don’t take this personally, Nick and JJ, but since Doug Sahm, T-Bone Walker and Janis Joplin are gone, and Willie pretty much lives in Hawaii these days, well, not much reason for yall to be hangin around, y’know?

  25. @Nick—Here ya go. I don’t really understand his “reasoning” except every time he’s been elected he does something a la Ted Cruz to get himself noticed.

  26. I have looked closely at the picture of that guy who has been reported as having a homely wife by a high government official, evidently with no spousal protection response from the senator. Is he the same senator who came down here, showing everyone his gun, and handing out tickets to a wedding or something?
    The guy appears to be desecrating a state flag, or maybe a Russian flag, with snot and saliva. Of particular note is the total absence of any sort of US flag pin. Isn’t that supposed to be a sign of non-patriotic qualifications? Communist leanings? Have they already seceded again?

  27. Elizabeth Moon says:

    As of today, we have another nomination for “a reason for Texans to hide in shame”–the head of the Texas GOP, Mr. West. Mr. West wants us to secede and bring along the other 17 states that signed onto our “case”, to form a new union of “law-abiding” states. He claims that this will prove Texas is and always will “stand for the Constitution and the rule of law.”

    So by committing the crime of sedition at least, and treason if he conspires to wage war against the U.S., this will morph into “standing for the Constitution” (whose rule of law he just trashed by wanting to secede) and the rule of law (ditto at two levels)??

    No, Mr. West, familiar as you are, as a leading Republican, with bending the language and offering “alternative facts”, there’s no way you can make seceding from the union to form a different government “standing for the Constitution and the rule of law.”

    That’s like saying divorcing your spouse is a way to prove your faithfulness to your marriage. Or that bashing your best friend over the head is a way of proving your kindly intentions toward them.

    You lost the Presidency. Suck it up, look at the number of people dead this year because of your party’s harmful policies in a pandemic (296,000 and still climbing) and show a little compassion. And that’s just one reason why you lost.

  28. @Elizabeth Moon—West’s faulty reasoning brings to mind King George’s lyrics in “Hamilton”:

    “I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love.”

  29. this Daily Kos item says it better and more expansively than my reply @18
