Here are Texas Politicians in Washington Who Support Paxton’s Lawsuit

December 11, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alternative Facts

Yesterday, over 100 members of Congress signed on to Paxton’s lawsuit seeking to disregard the elections apply for a pardon in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia and hand the WH back to Trump who was soundly defeated in the popular and electoral vote.  In addition to Ted Cruz’s offer to argue the case in the unlikely event that the SCOTUS took up the case, here are the pols from Texas who betrayed their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, deciding to pledge fealty to Trump instead.  These clowns are safely gerrymandered in, so are not the slightest bit interested in upholding the Constitution or serving their constituents; they are only interested in staying in office.  History will not be kind to these guys.

Rep. Kevin Brady

Rep. Michael C. Burgess

Rep. Michael Cloud

Rep. Mike Conaway

Rep. Dan Crenshaw

Rep. Bill Flores

Rep. Louie Gohmert

Rep. Lance Gooden

Rep. Kenny Marchant

Rep. Randy Weber

Rep. Roger Williams

Rep. Ron Wright

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0 Comments to “Here are Texas Politicians in Washington Who Support Paxton’s Lawsuit”

  1. MFing sonsabitches, every one of those seditious bastards. Wishing them all a massive dose of COVID-45…

  2. The continuing actions of the Republican Party is incomprehensible within the scope of rationality and sanity.

    During this holiday season, a gift to all from Samuel Clemens.

    The War Prayer by Mark Twain

  3. G Foresight says:

    Arguably these Republicans (as well as Ted C.) are behaving as one would expect in an autocracy. The lawsuits and Ted’s Supreme Court messaging are meant to send a signal of obedience and reliability to the R party. “The Republican party is, as of this moment, an autocracy.” The party matters first and foremost, not the country. This essay, “The Republican Party As Totalitarian State” fills in the details. Link here:

  4. they have now disqualified themselves from serving in Congress – or any elected office

  5. May they kiss Lady Karma under the mistletoe.

  6. Looks like the usual list of suspects.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    Is it just me or is Dan Crenshaw showing up on more of the same rwnj lists like Louie and Ted?

  8. For those of you in other states, here’s a complete list of all 107 of these seditious traitors, in a Washington Post article; and a Daily Kos one that also covers the story. The comments on both are merciless.

    Never let them forget their treason.

    SoH Pelosi should box them in somehow. Not sure what her powers are over Minority members, but she should screw with them every way possible.

  9. I am pleasantly surprised not to see my rep, Chip Roy, on this list. He must have been asleep when they drafted the letter or something.

  10. If 107 members of Congress can openly and officially call for the overthrow of the democratically elected government of the US, without facing any criminal penalties for sedition and treason, then our country is circling the drain fast.
    The “return to normalcy” attitude is dangerous. It isn’t going to deter far wiser and smarter elected opportunists from trying this again.

  11. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Speaker Pelosi should refuse to seat all of these seditious clowns when the new Congress convenes.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As I mentioned yesterday, the supremes need to put an end to this insanity. They need to explicitly say this lawsuit is not only frivolous, it’s dangerous and has no place in our democracy. They also need to call out those that signed on for what they are really asking- to end our system of free elections and in essence, an end to democracy. To say less would make them complicit in allowing similar lawsuits and anti-democratic actions by elected officials across the country.
    I know the supremes can’t say what most of us feel- that repugnantican politicians are taking insane measures to placate a mad man in OUR White House. That’s group insanity!
    Needs to happen today.

  13. Aggieland Liz says:

    Happily, Bill Flores is out. He retired this term. Unhappily, his district elected that benighted criminal ass “Pistol Pete” Sessions, whose old district dumped him, and who really is far worse than Flores. In case you’ve forgotten, we elected another criminal ass named Bill Clements Governor in this silly state not once but twice after we voted his corrupt butt out of office in favor of Mark White.

    I really miss Chet Edwards, sigh.

  14. Posturing. Safety in numbers.
    The more traitors banding together, the more legitimate they make it. Unless I’m wrong, most of them were silent before this. For awhile now. Seeing which way the wind’s gonna blow. Strategizing. The more of this kinda crap they can pull without consequences, the more they normalize what would’ve been insanely incomprehensible 12 years ago. Batshit crazy 8 years ago. Unimaginable 4 years and two months ago. 4 years ago? “The institutions are rocks. They’ll hold.” Maybe it’s just me. But a month ago, this scenario wouldn’t even have been surprising.
    The kicker? The soonest chance of any probability of meaningful consequences is 6 weeks away.
    Yeah, the Supreme Court will probably swat this lawsuit like a a fly. But the precedence set is a plague of flies.

  15. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I looked up the definition of sedition in this country. I agree that what these people are doing is bad, wrong, dangerous, etc. I’m less sure, after reading the citation I found, that it qualifies as sedition…and suspect that some clever fellows actually read the law and have walked up and leaned on it without knocking it over.

    Since I can no longer copy/paste directly in my browser, I hope I hand-copied this right:

    There’s emphasis on force in the statute..if they conspire to overthrow *by force* (which would certainly cover encouraging the Proud Boys, KKK, American Nazis, etc) the Government or the authority thereof, or by force attempt to prevent, hinder or delay enforcement of the laws, or by force seize, take, or possess any of the property of the government (which would include the Bundy Bunch’s actions), then it’s seditious conspiracy. But nothing about filing lawsuits, even if the effect of the lawsuit IS an attack on the government.

    There are lawyers here…they may read it differently.
