This Week in Trumpland
The latest:
The birthers are back, and this time with a vengeance. Trump repeated the lie that Kamala Harris was not born in the US from the podium in the White House briefing room.
Trump’s goon, Louis DeJoy, continues his dismantling of the Post Office, happy to inconvenience 300 million Americans and all businesses for his boss’s benefit. After the uproar, today he put out a letter acknowledging “unintended consequences” for his actions. Translation: “Exactly what Trump wanted.” DeJoy’s letter is laughable since, just yesterday…
Trump admitted he was withholding funds from the Post Office to make it harder for Americans to vote. The one feature of Trump’s presidency is that he really doesn’t do anything to hide his criminality and corruption. He just does it and admits it on national television. Trumpists believe, “He’s just saying it like it is.”
At the same time, he and Melania applied for vote by mail ballots in Florida. Yeah. They really did that.
Presidency by Chaos continues as the invertebrates in the Senate started their 6 week Labor Day vacation after doing diddly squat for suffering Americans. We’re truly living in a post democracy country.