This Was good To See

December 05, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s nice to see someone take the fight to Trump.



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0 Comments to “This Was good To See”

  1. Biden is low on my list but, wow, this ad is absolutely brutal.

    That first 30 seconds should be the template for whatever democrat wins the nomination

  2. Pridetyper says:

    In place of him standing on the stair, I had a different thought. It may have distracted from the message, but I was thinking about the footage of the Orange Menace going up the stairs to air force-1 dragging a piece of toilet paper.

  3. I agree with Attezz–Biden is (almost) last on my list, but great ad….

  4. Republicans.
    How long after the 2016 election before Trump begins acting Presidential?

  5. Linda Phipps says:

    “Acting” presidential is not enough. Trump is an actor, he should have gone to Hollywood for a fat contract. We need someone who IS Presidential.

  6. Great ad, but all it says to me is ‘get off your fat butts and vote democrat!’ Biden is a vanilla white dude! And I will vote dem but I hope they select someone else like Warren.

  7. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Agree with ALL of the above.

  8. Since Bloomberg’s campaign will be solely of opposing Dolt 45, this looks like a shot across the bow to Bloomberg.

  9. Well, that was quick. It took no time at all to turn it into an ad.

    As for me, I’d already taken to turning on the TV first thing every morning to reassure myself that he hadn’t nuked anything, during the night, in a fit of pique.
    That routine seems to be even more necessary since THE LAUGH and now that articles are being drawn up.

    I’M not laughing at the moment. I’m holding my breath.

  10. Best hope is that with this ad (and hopefully others i.e use toilet paper on heel footage as has been suggested by another), failure of pet doj investigator find “evidence” of thuglicans fever dreams and impeachment best chance is it pushes the demented one into a “Captain Queeg” moment that the press can NOT obscure or minimize.
    One way that it could happen would be for the demented one to refuse to sign funding bill before the 17th of this month for arbitrary reasons ( i.e. stop impeachment, full funding for wall, nuking Syria, actually entitling baron as first Baron in the US) and then having a Marie Antionette let them eat cake with a fancy over the top holiday dinner in his roach infested home in florida.
    Would enough thuglicans come to their senses and join in overriding his veto of funding bill? If for no other reason but to avoid the metaphorical pitchforks, torches, tar and feathers of their political funders.
    If the thuglicans do show some slender thread of sanity in overriding his veto then they might as well vote to impeach since they would already be on the “naughty” list for daring to cross him.

  11. Something that Steyer and Bloomberg could do with their money besides losing in D primary would be to finance a series of ads
    “Episodes in the donnie the clown reality show”
    Cull moments from his past and replay them on line and on TV until it becomes a meme.
    Mock him mercilessly.

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    I’m not particularly interested in Biden but I give his team props for that ad – we need more of the same!
