And Filling Out Today’s Trifecta Of Really Horrible Republican Men

December 04, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Attorney General William Barr, who has announced that any community protesting the police just might find themselves without police.

No, I am not kidding.

Would the same deal work for the President or even the Attorney General? If we protest, will y’all go away?  If so, this restriction on the peoples’ right to protest might be worth it.

Hell, this little pudgy nazi said, “those who don’t show ‘respect’ to authority could lose access to police services.”

Although Barr didn’t specify what “communities” he was referencing, activists decried his speech as a clear attack on minorities who have protested police brutality and other racially skewed law enforcement abuses.

He even suggested that people stand outside of police departments and cheer for the police as the leave to go out on patrol.  How about firefighters? EMS? Teachers? Nurses?

Barr, read a damn law book. You do not have the right to threaten the people of this country for exercising their constitutional rights. I don’t care what Trump tells you because he hasn’t read a book either.


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0 Comments to “And Filling Out Today’s Trifecta Of Really Horrible Republican Men”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Nice to know IQ4.5’s favorite lawn ornament can speak. Too bad it’s gibberish. HS Civics1 is currently being taught at the House Judiciary Committee hearing. Barr might want to audit the course.

  2. Fifty years ago I was thinking of becoming a police officer. I was an Explorer scout attached to the local PD.

    Back then they told me: if you can’t handle being disrespected by the public while still doing your best to serve them, then don’t become a police officer. You can’t do the job. Don’t worry we will get someone who can.

    Times has changed.

  3. If barr is so interested with in “law and order” he should partner up with kobach to bring the hammer down on Kansas thuglican represenative for his criminal violation of voting laws by registering his residence on campaign filing and voting registration from a mailbox at a UPS store, not even a real post office.
    Well once again we see it’s OKIYAAR
    (Its Ok if you are a thuglican) since by demented donnies judges will soon rule that only democrats can break the law.

  4. Scholar rains hell on Republican who questioned her integrity at impeachment hearing

  5. A couple of late contestants –

    #MeTwofer ( :–{o>

    Duncan Hunter is the second pro-Trump congressman to complain he’s the victim of a witch hunt — only to end up pleading guilty

    Edit: But on Tuesday, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune, Hunter is expected to plead guilty — which, HuffPost reporter Ryan J. Reilly notes on Twitter, makes him the second pro-Trump Republican congressman to go from echoing President Trump’s “witch hunt” rhetoric to entering a guilty plea.

    The other was former Rep. Chris Collins of New York. In late September, Collins — who was an early supporter of Trump in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2016 — announced his resignation before pleading guilty to charges involving insider training. Collins had been arrested in August 2018 after a grand jury accused him of sharing non-public information about the Australian biotech company Innate.

    August 2018 was also the month in which Hunter was indicted for campaign finance violations. Federal prosecutors allege he used campaign money to fund personal expenses, including an extramarital affair — which is blatantly illegal under campaign finance law.

  6. If the citizens of this country want accountability in their public servants – – we can’t have public servants?

    Maybe the motto on police cars should read:
    “To Serve & Protect Ourselves”

    (I think it’s already on Trump’s desk)

  7. @5 megasoid says: “…allege he used campaign money to fund personal expenses, including an extramarital affair…” .
    That should read: ‘multiple extramarital affairS’.

    That’s basically what nailed him: his wife, also entangled [who was also spending a bunch of that federal campaign money on herself], had enough of Hunter’s crap when the evidence of his many affairs came out.
    Hunter’s wife then filed for divorce, cut a deal, and became a star witness for the prosecution.
    This whole sordid Duncan Hunter saga is really much more nasty and effed up than what gets generally reported.
    Another prime example of the ‘true’ “Republican Family Values” hypocrisy.

  8. Barr? He really went to law school, didn’t he? Maybe it was a completely different kind of law school in another universe. Damn! He ain’t worth diddly squat!

  9. barr??? thats really john goodmann from roseann….

  10. Impeach

    Barr *and* his Orange Scatgibbon…

  11. IIRC, Barr was also Reagan/Bush AG that blessed the pardons or whatever for the iran Contra people. Guess we could say the unintended consequences of that was the 3 strikes laws and the
    drug gangs in Central America driving people to seek refuge in the USA.

  12. It’s quite possible that some communities would find that a welcome relief.

  13. Listen to Houston PD Chief Acevedo on NPR program 1A. His closing statement about police turning out on the call without asking about race, religion, sexual orientation, political leaning etc. was pretty clear … we don’t ask, we protect all.

  14. And this is how the death of democracy, and the need for authoritarianism is presented to a populace conditioned for decades to believe that thinking for themselves is un-American
    I guarantee this news gives many fox connesuirs that warm fuzzy feeling. Instead of the nails-on-chalkboard/emergency evacuation siren that most of us feel in our gut knowing that it’s not coming from some fringe whackjob. But the Attorney General of the United States
