This Might Not Go Well, But Ya Never Know

September 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Oath Keepers, the heavily armed and self-described Christian Patriot unorganized militia who was at Cliven Bundy’s ranch, has a new mission:  Kim Davis

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes announced yesterday that he had reached out to Davis’ lawyers at Liberty Counsel to offer the protection of his group.

Yeah, they have plans to go “educate” the sheriff about his duties to ignore federal authorities.  He doesn’t care diddle squat about the gay marriage deal.  He just hates anything with the word federal in it.

They had originally planned to meet outside the home of the judge to make their presence known, but changed that once the judge released her from jail.

They are going anyway, though, just in case she is re-arrested for contempt.

“This is exactly the kind of thing that our Founding Fathers dealt with when dealing with the magistrates and the officers of the crown who wanted to run roughshod over the rights of the colonists without a jury indictment, without any of that,” Rhodes declared. “Same thing. They’re going to show their power and show you who’s boss.”


Honey, I think you just fell off Cloud Nine into a thunderstorm.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up. 

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0 Comments to “This Might Not Go Well, But Ya Never Know”

  1. Sigh. Us Christians were raised to believe we were different but it didn’t mean we had to be brainless. These guys are stuck in adolescence.

  2. The thing that Oaf Keepers seem not to understand is that the US Marshal Service has 225+ years experience dealing successfully with armed, violent gangs. Oaf Keepers won’t be the first exception. There may be a time of negotiation to minimize bloodshed, but my suspicion is that if Oaf Keepers start something the deputy Marshals will finish it up quickly and jail the survivors.

  3. One of the major characteristics of countries that are best described as third-world sewers is heavily-armed private armies doing the bidding of nasty, self-inflamed leaders. It’s doubtful that the Oath Keepers and other self-proclaimed militias want the US to join the third world, but if they had their way it would happen.

    The rule of law is what’s kept this nation together, not the drool of the lawless.

  4. StringOnAStick says:

    I suspect/hope that the federal marshal’s service is now well aware of the oaf keepers intentions and movements, seeing as they were basically on their way to harass a federal judge. They probably backed off that idea for that reason alone, not because she was released though that does provide some nice face-saving cover.

    However, these are the people who got away with aiming rifles at federal agents at Bundy’s ranch, and the fact that they got away with that has just emboldened them. The Davis theatre of operations is a city and a county office, not the middle of Nowhere, NV, so it looks like the stakes are a lot higher this time, on both sides. We will see. I don’t wish for anyone to be harmed, though I do think this kettle of crazies has been whipping themselves into a froth for a long time, and seriously wants a confrontation.

  5. Federal. Let’s consider the “ed” in the word f”ed”eral, which is generally considered an abbreviation for education. So Federal without the “ed” leaves you with a Feral Government. Which I think is an accurate description for the Oath Keepers.

  6. I suppose the irony is lost on the Oath Keepers that what got Kim Davis into trouble was her refusal to keep the oath she presumably took to abide by federal and state law.

  7. These boys are still in the “I don’ wanna and you can’t make me ’cause you’re not the boss of me!” stage of infant development. They need to be put somewhere safe until they grow up. A Civics course would be a good step in the right direction. If they still teach Civics, these gun-happy fools flunked it.

    How about shipping them someplace like Somalia, so they can see what fun it is when there’s no government?

  8. If the good christian Kim Davis took the Oath required by law upon entering the office of County Clerk, she may have placed herself in eternal danger. The Oath found in section 228 of the states constitution begins with swearing to support the U.S. Constitution and ends with so help me God. The US Supreme Court has now defined same sex marriage with in the Constitution, therefore binding this clerk to issue licenses accordingly. I do hope she did not place her hand upon Holy Scripture while taking the oath as it might be a Blasphemy. She should have resigned the office immediately after the ruling if she could no longer execute her office in good conscience.
    As for this group calling themselves Oath Keeper I doubt they have conscience or the wisdom to understand what an oath is.

  9. One thing that suprised me is that she is a Democrat, clearly
    doesn’t suport the platform but a Democrat non the less.

    So they are supporting a Democrat? Do they know this? Does Huck?

  10. Threatening a Federal judge is NOT considered a wise career move.

  11. I think Davis being a Democrat is a hold-over from the FDR period when miners and their families in eastern KY supported the president, and the mine owners were all Republicans and didn’t give a damn for safety, fairness, or anything else except profit.

  12. I wonder how many of the Oath Keepers receive federal checks and aid in some form or another. I mean, according to their philosophy they should indignantly refuse that sort to thing.

  13. Oaf keepers are frankly all set for a hot confrontation with the marshals, bullets flying all over the place. If they are taken alive, they can make real hay out of that, but the hay ends if all of them end up dead in a gunfight. I know they have considered all this and per their culture, whichever way it ends won’t bother them at all. What better way to go than feet first after taking on the feds! What a bunch of maroons!!!

  14. Mike, you have a talent for understatement.

  15. charles r. phillips says:

    These people are why we can’t have nice things.

    Oh, one more point. The government agents these yahoos “faced down” at the Bundy ranch were BLM, not law enforcement professionals. US Marshals are an entirely different kettle of fish…more like shark than tuna.

  16. My little bride read these posts and sent me this comment:

    National Guard 4
    Kent State 0

  17. Angelo_Frank says:

    Arrest these Oath Keeper SOBs and charge them with terrorist threats.

  18. 1) Read them the Riot Act (really).
    2) Order them to lay down their weapons and disperse.
    3) When they don’t (and they won’t), use tear gas, water hoses, noise cannon. flash-bang grenades and whatever else it takes.
    4) Arrest AND PROSECUTE each and every one of them.

    Can you tell I’m getting tired of idiots?

  19. These guys must have wives that work because they obviously don’t.

  20. Ohio National Guard illegally firing at unarmed students not an analogous situation. Then troops fired at students at Jackson State killing two girls who were in their dorm rooms studying still not analogous. Yep still stings 45 years later.

  21. That Other Jean says:

    Surely armed men confronting Federal marshals in order to prevent them from taking a lawbreaker into custody on the order of a Federal judge should get them a Darwin Award Honorable Mention, even if they survive.

  22. God save us from ever having another Kent State or Jackson State tragedy again, but these yahoos had better be confronted with at least as much artillery as the Ferguson protesters were.
    These unemployed teahadists have gotten away with way too much already.

  23. Linda Lester says:

    These people are basically armed and dangerous. They are tea partiers, with no regard for law, excepting the law they want to create. One can only hope they are arrested for breaking the law. Talk about domestic terrorism–

  24. And here we have yet another example of white privilege.

    If Ms. Davis were non-caucasian, and the armed thugs (I mean God fearing Christians) were Black/Brown/Moslem, well you know…

  25. Every time I see “federal marshals in Kentucky” I picture Timothy Olyphant as Raylan Givens in Justified, along with his wonderful co-workers.

  26. So we are to believe that these guys are revolutionaries with an authoritative understanding of federal law? I would be surprised if that guy could write his own name.

    One thing’s for sure, the guy is a prophet: the future lies in the last sentence of his quoted remarks.

  27. “Oaf keepers?” Hahahahahahahaha! Damn straight! Hahaha!

  28. @Old Mayfly #11: “the mine owners were all Republicans and didn’t give a damn for safety, fairness, or anything else except profit.”

    You seem to be suggesting that this has changed. How?

  29. These people are talking sedition and treason; when will they be confronted by the FBI? This is absolutely unacceptable.

  30. These idiots are nothing more or less then raving bigoted aholes trying to force their bigotry up our butts. That is the definition of fascists not nice people fighting for freedom..

  31. Timbo –
    Not revolutionaries, just revolting.

  32. Rhea, the difference is mountaintop removal, and no more union workers in the mines. Disgusting.

  33. Linda Phipps says:

    I love it “Oaf Keepers”. I am waiting for one of them to rough up or shoot a federal officer.

  34. Oath Keepers founder Stephen Rhodes is just another blowhard practicing his own version of Trumpery. Time to call his bluff. Let Rhodes show up in Kentucky so a U.S. Marshal can repeat to him that famous Clint Eastwood line from “Dirty Harry”:

    “… You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do you, punk?”

  35. Isn’t the criterion for putting somebody on a Mental Health Hold that they may harm themselves or others?

    These bozos all need to be rounded up and evaluated, stat!

  36. Ohh, they only show up and “protect” somebody specific who requests/consents to their presence? Who exactly invited them to Ferguson last month?

  37. These guys are just waiting for the White robots of Douglas Adams to help them restore Krikkit – a utopia for their kind
