Oh That Face

September 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump has more twists and turns than a bushel barrel of wire coat hangers.

First he says about Carly Fiorina,

“Look at that face!” Trump reportedly told Rolling Stone while talking about Fiorina, according to a profile published Wednesday “Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!”

The billionaire added: “I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not s’posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”

Now he says he wasn’t talking about her looks.

“Probably I did say something like that about Carly,” Trump said. “I’m talking about persona. I’m not talking about look.”

He was not saying that her face disqualified her from being President.

It’s her boobs.

He just wants you to know that her boobs disqualify her from being President.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh That Face”

  1. Corinne Sabo says:

    Trump is the boob.

  2. Look at that mouth!

    How can you not notice the all enveloping black hole that is Donald Trump’s mouth? How can anyone notice anything else?

  3. It should go without saying that the GOP team nominated in 2016 will be a pair of boobs. Whether either or both candidates have a pair of boobs is a different and possibly less interesting question.

  4. I nominate Micr for best comment of the day. Though Rick is a strong contender too.

    Trump has one thing going for him: he inspires other people to heights of verbal damnation.

  5. A real estate mogul should know all about glass houses. Just sayin’, you with the wombat leaning all over your eyebrows.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Way to go, T-Rump! Mustering up a little sympathy for Snarly.

    Yo Reince, save the GOP some money on lawsuits, since your Cast of Clowns can’t seem to comprehend that music copyright thingy. Have the RNC buy the rights to one song to be used by all. I suggest: “That Smell” by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Laurel, that’s the RNC mascot. T-Rump wears his, while the rest off the GOP has them flying between their ears.

  8. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    You’ve got to admit, Carly is a pretty dour looking lady. After HP paid her $100 million to get her to leave, you’d think you wouldn’t be able to slap a smile off her face with a baseball bat. But I’ve never seen a photo of her smiling.
    She ran Lucent Technologies into the ground. She almost ran HP into the ground, and now she wants to run the United States into the ground? I don’t think I’ll take the chance. I won’t be voting for her. Come to think of it, there isn’t a Republican worthy of my vote for any position you could name.

  9. If I could draw, I’d picture Trump in a high chair, with that pelt done into a crown-shaped up-do, banging a rattle on his tray, a la John Tenniel, the original Alice in Wonderland illustrator.

    Cavernous mouth open in a bawl, one square tooth showing.

  10. Someone who wears a flannel moth caterpillar on his head shouldn’t make jokes about other people’s looks.


  11. I don’t think he should be talking, that comb over is not a natural color.

  12. Marcia in CO says:

    We are going to have to coin some new words to describe The Donald … all of the other good ones have already been used up!
    It doesn’t matter what spews from his pie hole, he some how or other always makes it come back that whomever he is badmouthing is, in turn, badmouthing him … so it’s all about him!!
    He says he’s the only one with a Clue … no, he doesn’t have a single clue!!

  13. @RepubAnon

    I thought that dead thing on tRump’s head was road kill, a swirl of squirrel.

  14. Obviously Trump wouldn’t attack her on her business credentials because that’s a legit criticism, but then she’d also be able to attack him on his many bankruptcies so instead he attacks her for her looks because that’s what d-bags do. I’m glad the republican clowns are eating each other alive.

  15. Apparently no mirrors in The Donald’s house.

  16. I am so glad I have lived long enough to enjoy this Republican primary. It is the most fun ever.

    In my youth Republicans were respectable, but boring. In my opinion they acted as a sort of sea anchor against liberal excess.

    Now they are hazardous to the Republic; but so hysterically funny I think they won’t be able to harm us much.

  17. If you can find it, check out Bobby Jindal going all he-man on Trump. Name calling up the ying-yang! He was in front of a crowd at the National Press Club. CNN carried it on video.Can’t wait for Trump to remark about BJ’s persona!

  18. I swear there is a resemblance in face and gesture between The Donald and Il Duce Benito Mussolini. Maybe the Donald should stay away from lampposts.

  19. Can someone organize a mass mailing of mirrors to wherever Trump is? I mean lots and lots of mirrors. I am not commenting on his appearance, this is just a suggestion.

  20. e platypus onion says:

    maggie-Wonkette has a write up about it. I didn’t bother to read that particular one because of wingnut fatigue.

    OTOH,if Mama don’t catch this you can read about it here-


  21. La Boca Grande has no idea how genuinely repulsive his face/hair/ voice/vocabulary etc are. His ignorance is matched only by his “yuge” lack of self awareness.

  22. That Other Jean says:

    It’s not as though Trump actually wants to be President. He just wants to be in the spotlight, say any outrageous thing he wants to for as long as people will listen, then stalk off and count all his money. He’s stinking up the place, scaring the GOP more than half to death, and having a ball doing it—but he’s not interested in the office, just the publicity.

  23. A documentary about that loudmouth was suppressed 24 years ago, when there were basically three networks plus PBS. Now, it’s on the internet for free: http://trumpthemovie.com/watch/

  24. Maggie –

    I usually have no use for Bobby Jindal, but that was a great rant! Especially he line about knowing that Trump never reads the Bible, because he’s not in it.

  25. Linda Phipps says:

    Thank you all for the best thing I will read, probably ever …

  26. Thanks for the caterpillar article, RepubAnon. He’s a prime quote:
    “The caterpillar’s “hair” actually consists of setae, which are long, fine silky appendages that, in this case, can cause serious skin irritations. If an unlucky person tries to grab one, they will get a handful of venom, released when the setae poke into skin. Like a bee sting, the injuries can be painful but, for most, are not life threatening.”

    Venom and skin irritations, painful? Sounds just like the garbage emanating from the Donald’s mouth.
