This Is What Happens When You Send Children to Do a Grownup’s Job

January 28, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There will now be four (yep, 4) Republicans replying to the President’s State of the Union address.  You can use a dart board to select which one you’ll listen to.

First up, Rand Paul has a pre-recorded address,  which tells us it won’t have diddle squat to do with the President’s address because Rand Paul cannot see into the future – even though he insists he can.  He also believes wearing a small rodent on your head makes you sexy.

Congresswhiner Cathy McMorris Rodgers from Washington State will let loose her ideas on why she didn’t support the Violence Against Women Act and why she said that President Obama “rules by decree.”  She hates the Affordable Care Act.  Hates it.  Viciously.

Then you get Senator Mike Lee reading from cue cards written by Ted Cruz.  Probably in Canadian.

Florida’s own Ileana Ros-Lehtinen will deliver her own State of the Union in Spanish.  Hispanics in Texas will ask what language she’s speaking.

So, there you have it.  It takes 4 of them.

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0 Comments to “This Is What Happens When You Send Children to Do a Grownup’s Job”

  1. gabberflasted says:

    Not to derail, but did anyone else catch that ‘thing’ on deceased Pete Seeger’s head this a.m.? I do not like to speak poorly of the dead but,?

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    What kind of banquet is that with four courses of word salad?

  3. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Though I’d like to see what Paul Krugman has to say about it (he’ll be on CNN for the pre- and post- game shows), I may have to take another pass on the show this year. As theater goes it’s pretty boring and with cow knows how many interruptions for applause it takes less time to read the transcript after the fact.

  4. OldMayfly says:

    GOP math:

    Q. What is 4 times zero?

    A. A lot!

  5. And one of the guys from Duck Dynasty is going to be in the audience of the State of the Union address representing “small business owners.” What next—the Koch brothers representing Mom and Pop stores?

  6. Those repugs take themselves so seriously.
    I’m waiting for a repeat of the water-guzzling guy awhile back. Now that was entertaining.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Awhile back I mentioned Pete Seeger. My friend said “Who’s Pete Seeger?” Now THAT made me feel old. I need to go get out my Pete Seeger/Woodie Guthrie recordings and play them. I believe like he did that music is a powerful force. It’s time, folks, for music for folks. Anyone have a song against the TPP? I can imagine Seeger singing that sort of thing.

  8. MargeWood, Last year Pete was singing at the age of 93..yes, he was a force all his own in the gentle nature of his courageous life. Springsteen is following in the writing dept. and I, too, feel it’s a powerful way to send a message or two.
    Pete always made the crowd sing along; sing loud, drown out the 4X’s Zeros!

  9. Elizabeth says:

    I don’t watch the State of the Union speech. I read better than I listen, to begin with, and I don’t like the talking heads & commentary stuff. I want to be able to read it by myself, with no interruptions.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    Well, I googled “songs against the TPP” and there actually are songs against the Trans Pacific Partnership! I also gave a rousing, I hope, reason to make noise about it to my cousin in west Texas who, when I asked what he knew about it, said “not much”. He got real riled when he heard that folks didn’t want to discuss it in Congress. He said, and I quote, “Well, sure, they should!” See? My cousin said so and he’s smart therefore it must be true. I made him repeat “NO FAST TRACK ON THE TPP”. I hope he’s gripin’ about it on the phone.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    I’m getting the SOTU and also the speech from Wendy/Letitia/whoever. Hooboy. Well, it’s more efficient that way.

  12. Cathy McMorris Rodgers is the one with a very special needs child, her youngest. She was warned by her doctor not to have any more at her age as she risked a Down baby, but she did any way. She’s a whole lot better fixed than Mrs. Jane Q. Public to handle such a situation and she knows it yet she can’t stand the Affordable Care Act? Cavalier? Yes. Cruel. You bet! Goes to show ya . . .

  13. Cathy McMorris Rogers is….[language, E, watch it now!]…a person with a developmental disability of her own. She has never advanced beyond a mouthpiece for her “very supportive husband” (that’s from her own tweetstream, @cathymcmorris if you think you can stomach it.) Nor has she learned to speak the truth.

    PlannedParenthood’s twitter stream had this quote from her: that the GOP “trusts people to make their own decisions, not a government that decides for you.” So THAT’s why she opposes birth control and abortion coverage under the ACA? That’s why she’s anti-abortion instead of pro-choice?

    I am sorry for her children.

  14. The four part disharmony response from the Rethugs to the SOTU is due to all the splits in that party. Just keep watchin’, folks! Its gonna be better than any of them Real Housewives junk!

    And as for that congresscritter that threatened to kill the reporter by throwing him over the railing to the floor below, that was Mike Grimm, Rethug from New York State, and he really, really lived up to his name. Ten to one he will not be sanctioned by his own party or by Weeper of the House. Tells ya so much, doesn’t it!

  15. UmptyDump says:

    Mike Grimm. Surprised he didn’t try to exercise his Second Amendment rights and shoot that pesky reporter.

  16. UmptyDump says:

    And Stece Stockman actually showed up for the start of the SOTU but left early.

    Must have had to get back to his detox house for curfew.

  17. Elise Von Holten says:

    It’s turning to hate. Better than apathy, I guess. Not as good as humor. Just hate. Hate for the little piggy faces, bankers guts, (do any of them have bankers watches stretched across fat piggy guts?
    Worse for me I’m starting to look askance at both sides…I know that $175,000.00 (+ or -) is not too much to run two households on, and that is what they need to do…but I’m starting to think that we need to not pay them that, and in fact make all eligible males and females (US citizen, at least a High School graduates, over 35 years old, under 80, capable–by testing–of understanding how the govt. works, checks and balances,etc., and capable of writing a clear, understandable English sentence) in a state lottery held every six years, and for senate every eight, both houses determined by population, with one seat established for just being a state–but no state having more than 6 reps and 4 senators so 5 and 7 (and territories get reps too, like DC) and if the reps/senators are all from one party the I rep and I senator are automatically the highest scorer of the opposing party. All the eligible names are lotteries –exemptions are -no new parents, no one that is too disabled by their own reckoning plus need doctors clearance as well –leaves out drug addicts like fatty radio insane people.(oops! Sorry, my prejudice is showing!) so you get your pay from your work–tax deduction for employers and maybe even restitution –up to say, $125,000 a year–really high wage earners might want to shoot for exemptions–financial hardship–their companies might find out that they don’t need to pay anyone 8 million dollars—never know…and housing in DC would be federally taken care of–condos for families at a close base, because the people would be service people (finally!) anyway, something like that–money taken out of elections, a federal reviewed allowance of say $100,000 –(reviewed!) with housing and food etc taken care of on the base–heck we might even save enough to give the other service people a raise–you know, the ones who face bullets and being blown as part of their service….
