This Certainly Explains a Lot
Okay, at least 15 of you have emailed me this morning to make sure I saw this.
Thank you. I have seen it. I now have scrambled eggs up my nose. And by thank you, I mean don’t do that again.
I suspect that’s not a photograph, but it is proudly displayed in Ben Carson’s home. I want you to notice how much better looking Ben Carson is than Jesus. I mean, Jesus looks a tad creepy, like maybe one of those faces in a police department photo array, but Ben looks like a People Magazine cover.
But that ain’t all. No, siree.
I imagine that Solomon didn’t call it the book of Proverbs, but a know for damn certain that he didn’t call it “poverbs.”
A lot of professional people have a vanity wall at their office to impress their clients. This guy has a vanity mansion to impress himself.
And we thought Donald Trump had an ego?
Thanks to everyone for the heads up.