This Certainly Explains a Lot

November 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, at least 15 of you have emailed me this morning to make sure I saw this.


Screen Shot 2015-11-08 at 10.00.40 AM

Thank you.  I have seen it.  I now have scrambled eggs up my nose. And by thank you, I mean don’t do that again.

I suspect that’s not a photograph, but it is proudly displayed in Ben Carson’s home. I want you to notice how much better looking Ben Carson is than Jesus. I mean, Jesus looks a tad creepy, like maybe one of those faces in a police department photo array, but Ben looks like a People Magazine cover.

But that ain’t all. No, siree.



I imagine that Solomon didn’t call it the book of Proverbs, but a know for damn certain that he didn’t call it “poverbs.”

A lot of professional people have a vanity wall at their office to impress their clients. This guy has a vanity mansion to impress himself.


And we thought Donald Trump had an ego?

Thanks to everyone for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “This Certainly Explains a Lot”

  1. Rosemary in Indiana says:

    The worst part is the person who made the plague or whatever it is left the first “r” out of Proverbs.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Mental Ben and T-Rump are two men in need of a friend. Someone who will tell them about “poverbs” and comeovers.

    If the walls of their megalomaniac mansions ever talk….

  3. Jesus looks like one of the guys on the “Property Brothers” on HGTV.

  4. But, but, but….. This can’t be true. We all know Jesus was white and wrote the Constitution in English.

  5. Sam in San Antonio says:

    He said Jesus asked him to be one of the original Apostles but he refused to take the offer from West Point.

  6. Rosemary, I’m guessing you meant “plaque”, but inadvertently called it a plague, which it also is. A plague is upon us in the form of Repuglicans, like Ben, who are living in an alternate universe where historical fact, spelling and artistic evaluation are nonexistent.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Um… the plaque. I hope he didn’t actually pay anything for that mess. Unless he made that by hisownself! Then he does crafts like Dubya paints.

  8. And here I thought that Donald Trump had the worst case of low self esteem that I had ever seen.

  9. Why is Jesus wearing a bathrobe? Are they at a Turkish bath?

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Anyone else hear a loud WHOOSH? That was the sound of Mental Ben sucking all the crazy out of T-Rump’s twitter feed.

    Hike your gohmerts, Donald. The ante on crazy is “all in.”

  11. I would definitely ask for my money back on that wall carving. The spacing is bad, the comma is an afterthought, and not only is “Proverbs” misspelled but it’s the only word not capitalized and one of the few that should be.

    But yes, the Jesus thing is a jaw-dropper. Does he have his hand out for money?

    I saw other photos of this man’s house. Dang, some of these “Christians” sure need to have all those verses about needles’ eyes and camels and riches pointed out to them. Who was it again who said all that? Some guy named Jesus, I think….

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, was it the appropriately named Creflo A Dollar or another TVangelical beggar thinking himself in need of a new personal jet? Somehow, don’t think “sharing” was meant to come after the mansion, luxury toys and billion dollar personal bank account.

    Don’t tell Ben, but he was pranked by Donald. Jesus is wearing a bath robe from Trump Towers.

  13. Oh, Lordy! I know that klowns are supposed to be funny but I am definitely losing the last of my sense of humor over this!

  14. daChipster says:

    Mental Ben and Klingon Jesus: It is a GOOD day to die… What is it, Friday?

  15. PKM, L. Ron Hubbard said that the way to rake in the bucks was to start a religion, but it seems easier to hijack an existing one, based on the number of rich beggars who’ve done it and succeeded beyond the shameless dreams of avarice.

  16. Does anyone else think that Jesus’ head is way to small? It looks like he’s sitting about 5-6 feet back, but that would give him Stretch Armstrong arms

  17. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    That’s not Jesus in the painting. That’s Ben’s long time paid gay companion.

  18. Indiana Pearl says:

    Why is the head of Jesus half the size of Ben’s? And why is it caved in in the middle?

  19. Corinne Sabo says:

    Did little Bennie forget the meaning of humility? I know surgeons are supposed to be arrogant, but this guy………

  20. @Indiana Pearl, Jesus’ head is smaller because he’s not the more important person in the portrait.

  21. Ray Stevens might think Jesus’s Rolex is missing:

  22. Throughout the years I have seen many vanity walls in business offices and in home offices and dens, but I’ve never seen a vanity house before now. Mental Ben wrote in one of his books that he had a pathological temper when he was young. That disorder must have morphed into some other affliction.

  23. My late grandpa, a wise, humble, and kindly man, told my mama that we should never make fun of anyone else’s religion. I have tried to abide by this. But I wonder if he would have made an exception for people who worship their-own-selves.

    As much as my grandpa loved Jesus and his teachings, he would never in a million bazillion years have commissioned a painting of himself with Jesus, especially with the Lord relegated to 2nd-row status.

  24. I kind of thought that those might be gifts to the good doctor, maybe from patients, and he felt moved by the thought to display them, even if they might not be museum-worthy.

    A lot of folks in the medical field receive personal gifts from grateful patients, and you know, his patients were children. Can you imagine in your heart that a young patient of Dr. Carson drew him a picture with Jesus, or embroidered a proverb even if the child couldn’t really spell it correctly? Having spent a lifetime in the medical field (iamnotadoctor) I certainly can.

    I’m no fan of Dr. Carson for many reasons and I hope and pray to our Good Lord that He doesn’t play a big practical joke on us by making this looney tunes man our Preznit, not even for a day.

    But, I think it is extremely unkind to make fun of the pictures when we don’t know their provenance. Think about that.

  25. Juanita Jean says:

    Tom, okay, I agree with you. That might have been painted by a grateful patient. My Bubba is a damn good lawyer and often gets artwork from his clients, especially the ones in jail who escaped the needle thanks to Bubba. He is appreciative and hangs it at his office. He does not bring it to our house, hang it over the fireplace an open our house for the Home Tour. That’s tacky.

    And yes, in most of the paintings he has a halo or a white robe. Hanging it where I have to see it everyday would not make me treat him better.

  26. While I don’t think the painting is well done either, in my view it’s not the artwork itself, it’s that he has that stuff plastered all over his entire house! His got walls covered with plaques, citations, certificates, etc.

    I have a variety of sports trophies I earned. I have another variety of citations, plaques and commemorations I’ve received for work I’ve done. I don’t have it on the walls of my home because it seems bragadocious and arrogant.

    When I looked at the photos of the interior of his home, I was appalled. No wonder he thinks he should be the president. Walking past all that several times per day has given him a dangerously distorted view of himself. It appears he thinks he is god.

  27. Debbo, my thoughts exactly! You said it much better than I could have. Where are the pictures of his wife and sons? It certainly doesn’t display any humility on his part.

  28. Sandridge says:

    Just imagine what one of these whackjobs would do to our White House, if they might take over next November…makes your blood run cold.

  29. @Tom–The proverb was chiseled into a wall in Carson’s home, not embroidered by a child patient. Like JJ’s husband, Bubba, my husband used to get gifts from grateful dental patients, both children and adults. They were displayed at the office where they belonged. We didn’t create a museum devoted to his ego like Carson’s seems to be.

  30. Coprolite says:

    Ben Carson writes that he found God in a Chemistry class, I think it was the LSD he made in chemistry lab.

  31. Treehugger says:

    Jesus is holding his hand out looking for donations to Ben’s campaign! I’m surprised Ben isn’t using this pic in his ads.

  32. Linda Phipps says:

    The painting is awful,but then, the decor of that house is the epitome of tacky. Tacky tacky tacky. Can you imagine what he would do to the Nations’s House?

  33. Jadedhaven says:

    Looks like Jesus is about slap his hand over Carson’s lying gob hole.

  34. Bless his heart.

  35. Well, in the unspeakably horrifying event that Carson does get elected, he already has a leg up on his Presidential Library. Wonder if he already has a media room in that house, with a short biographical film running on a continuous loop.
