This and That and Ted

March 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz announced his intentions to make a damn fool of himself from sea to shining sea.

He forgot to register  Some else did.

TedCruz_Airhead_3He’s still denying climate change, a fact that caused California Governor Jerry Brown to quip, “And that man betokens such a level of ignorance and a direct falsification of existing scientific data. It’s shocking and I think that man has rendered himself absolutely unfit to be running for office.”

Andy Horowitz had the most fun of his life

Disturbed Man Tries to Get Into White House

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – A disturbed Canadian man wants to try to get into the White House, according to reports.

The man, who was born in Calgary before drifting to Texas, has been spotted in Washington, D.C. in recent years exhibiting erratic behavior, sources said.

And Ted tripped on the facts about the IRS, which is an agency he wants to abolish.  Cruz said there are 110,000 IRS agents.  He wants to send them to the border to stab Mexicans with their pencils.

In the real world, there are 16,000 IRS agents which is real close to 110,000 if you’re thinking in astronomical terms.

And appropriately this twit announced his candidacy on Twitter, shortly after midnight aiming, of course, to drunk college students.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “This and That and Ted”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    Ted “the calculator” Cruz uses the Aaron Schock method of calculating IRS agents … 110,000 vs. 16,000 actual agents!! Just a tad off … just like Aaron’s calculated report as to the mileage on his vehicle — 80,000 vs. 190,000!! Yup, just a tad bit of overcharge there, too!!

  2. How low have we sunk as a country when somebody like Rafael Cruz think he can become President?

  3. Has he published his birth certificate? Just asking questions?

    We’ll start hearing that any day now. Any day.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Diane, there are any number of people in facilities for the mentally challenged who believe they are Elvis, Jesus Christ or perhaps the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler. Thus, it doesn’t bother me so much that Daffy Cruz, Jr. imagines that he can become president. What terrifies me is that there are thousand of similarly afflicted people who share that same fantasy.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, thanks to Alan and Diane, we have a new bumper sticker: “(Ted’s face) Where’s His Mental Health Certificate?”

  6. maryelle says:

    I’d love to stick a pin in that hot air balloon. Hold your breath.
    Another case of republican’t delusions of grandeur, along with a big pile of maneur.

  7. Running for the Jebster!

  8. gabberflasted says:

    Ugly is sometimes on the inside.

  9. Fred Farklestone says:

    Let’s see:
    The US has roughly 2,959,064 square miles and also roughly 16,000 IRS agents, (And of those 82,000, only about one in four can properly be called “agents,” or even “revenue officers,” that works out to one agent for every 184.94 square miles!
    Using the Congressional number of 82,203 agents, that works out to a agent for every 35.99 square miles!
    Yup Teddy, they’re found around every corner and hiding under everyone’s bed!

  10. UmptyDump says:

    I wouldn’t be unhappy if Cruz did reasonably well in the early caucuses and primaries, if that’s what it takes to wake up slumbering moderates that a squirrel has claimed squatter’s rights in their country’s attic and the bad smell in their house is coming from vermin poop. That should bring pest control out in force.

  11. I know the GOP hates the IRS — because they hate paying taxes to support the government. But if we do away with revenue collection, how are we going to pay for all the wars of aggression that Cruz and his ilk want to start?

    This idea just makes absolutely no sense. It doesn’t even seem to be a good talking point.

  12. C’mon Y’all…. how else is a good con artist to make a big money score?

    Be the first to “announce” you are a candidate for president on the Republicant ticket…. and….. right away…. perfect strangers start writing checks for large dollar amounts to throw at you.

    Before any actual “election”…. a person finds himself, or herself, a multi-millionaire.

    The best sting/scam going.

  13. How does a teeming narcissist like Cruz overlook grabbing
    the domaine name

    Teeming incompetence.

  14. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    I guess Teddy wants to abolish the IRS for fear they might audit him or his daddy for fraud. If the IRS ever did an audit, they’d put Ted in jail so deep they’d have to bring him light in a bucket. He’s got “crook” written all over him.

  15. Linda Phipps says:

    Amazing how remarkably stupid a Harvard and Princeton graduate, not to mention a former Supreme Court aide can become when suffused with the glory of Jesus or something.

  16. Whois shows that was created in 2004. I understand it’s owned by another Ted Cruz, a Democrat. I wonder how much the campaign offered him?

  17. PattiCakes says:

    I watched the announcement from Liberty University this morning with special interest since my husband’s niece is presently a student there, and her older brother is a grad. Couldn’t help but think about how incredibly sheltered and naive my sister-in-law raised her homeschooled children, figuring that most of that student body is pretty much just like my in-laws’ kids. Scary stuff, naive perspective on life. Been humming “Onward Christian Soldiers” for the past 30 minutes, just thinking about it.

  18. He forgot to pay for too. hehehe

  19. @Origuy
    If I owned that website..
    1. it would go porn now 24x7x365 with amusing (to me) popups of the Senator waltzing through occasionally.
    2. It would link to the absolutely most disgusting porn sites I could find, each with furious cpu hating popup action.
    3. If the campaign approached me about purchasing the domain with a check in hand, the counteroffer price would reduce the Koch Brothers to tears.

  20. Marcia in CO says:

    @PattiCakes … I had MSNBC on when Cruz came on … the last thing I heard from him was him spouting off that we did NOT want Iran to have nuclear weapons!! Evidently this ignorant jackwagon wants them armed … if Iran could evaporate Teddy Cruz off the face of the Earth … one less idjit spewing their hate and ignorance!!

  21. There’s also a

    Great comments there.

  22. The worst part about his early declaration is having to look at his oily smirk that many more times.

    I also liked this from Borowitz:

  23. Mike, if I were Canadian, I sure wouldn’t be announcing the fact that Cruz is from there. Must be an American who bought that site.

  24. The Great Snake Oil Salesman is now driving the Repug clown car. So much slime he’ll be sliding all over the road. Can’t wait for the fiery crash!

  25. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Lower than a Palin?
    America has hit rock Palin bottom?
    America has a collective IQ low as a Palin?

  26. Cruz reminds me (physically) of Joe McCarthy. Enough to make me sick. Where are all the birthers?

  27. Since his wife has taken a leave of absence from her job and can not longer have health insurance during said leave, Cruz is now signing his family up for Obamacare…

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! What irony 🙂
