Things That Make You Go Aaarrrrggggg

August 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Salinas, Kansas, ain’t the middle of nowhere but nowhere and Salinas are in the same zip code.

They have a local newspaper and my friend Vickie was passing through and picked one up with her morning coffee.

Screen Shot 2014-08-10 at 9.12.44 AMThe entertaining thing about the newspaper in Salina, Kansas, is two stories on the front page.

The first story is amusingly called “More bucks for the bang,” (See what they did there?) about how people are buying up all the ammo that they can.  Hell, according to the story, WalMart can’t keep ammo on the shelves.

And why is this happening?

“It’s a lot of fear of the current administration,” he said, referring to President Barack Obama. “That fear is what’s driving part of it.”

They still think President Obama is coming to get their guns and I suspect they want to have ammo to throw at the United Nations troops breaking in the front door after President Obama has already been there and taken their guns.

In a completely, totally and absolutely unrelated story also on the front page under the fold, and I need to remind you that this story is not in any way related to the first story, is a story headlined, “White students to no longer be majority at school.”

Did I mention that these stories are unrelated?

Thanks to Vickie for the heads up.

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