Things That Make You Go Aaarrrrggggg

August 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Salinas, Kansas, ain’t the middle of nowhere but nowhere and Salinas are in the same zip code.

They have a local newspaper and my friend Vickie was passing through and picked one up with her morning coffee.

Screen Shot 2014-08-10 at 9.12.44 AMThe entertaining thing about the newspaper in Salina, Kansas, is two stories on the front page.

The first story is amusingly called “More bucks for the bang,” (See what they did there?) about how people are buying up all the ammo that they can.  Hell, according to the story, WalMart can’t keep ammo on the shelves.

And why is this happening?

“It’s a lot of fear of the current administration,” he said, referring to President Barack Obama. “That fear is what’s driving part of it.”

They still think President Obama is coming to get their guns and I suspect they want to have ammo to throw at the United Nations troops breaking in the front door after President Obama has already been there and taken their guns.

In a completely, totally and absolutely unrelated story also on the front page under the fold, and I need to remind you that this story is not in any way related to the first story, is a story headlined, “White students to no longer be majority at school.”

Did I mention that these stories are unrelated?

Thanks to Vickie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Things That Make You Go Aaarrrrggggg”

  1. Absolutely, one has nothing to do with the other, except for the FEAR of becoming a minority and being treated as they have previously treated minorities. After the President takes their guns, he’s going to take their welfare and their food stamps. They can rest easy though ’cause there are plenty of ways to cook up ammo: baked, fried, grilled, roasted, smoked and I hear raw is good.

  2. Certainly not. One has nothing to do with the other, except for the FEAR of being a minority and being treated like they had previously treated minorities. After the President comes and takes their guns, he’s going to take their food stamps and their welfare. But they can rest easy ’cause there are so many ways to serve up all the ammo they’re hoarding:
    baked, fried, fricasseed, smoked, grilled and I hear bullet kabobs are mighty tasty.

  3. If Obama wants to be dictator, why doesn’t he actually act like one? Why doesn’t he actually take all the guns? Why hasn’t he done that yet? Why did he do through the pretense of an election?

    Granted, I doubt these people can come up with a coherent answer to those questions.

    But here’s another one: Are the Obama FEMA relocation camps next to the Clinton FEMA relocation camps? Or are the two sets far from each other?

  4. The radical right has a simply philosophy: anything that is not an aging white male is scary.

    The Republican party uses fear as a tool and we are seeing the results in a base that is afraid of their own shadows (shadows are black, after all).

  5. This is very old news. It started as soon as Obama got into office, or a little before. It hasn’t quit since. Ammosexuals are delusional, frightened, paranoid creatures totally incapable of reasoning. In spite of the fact that the Obama administration has done NOTHING over the past six years to take away guns or gun rights, the sheep are still bleating and grazing the ammo stockpiles.

    I almost wish I had bought stock in ammo companies six years ago; they have thrived since then. Almost.

  6. It appears “What’s wrong with Kansas?” is still alive and kickin’.

  7. Oh… And it’s the ammosexuals that are driving up the cost (h/t to PKM and Stonekettle Station).

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Visions of ammosexuals hunkered down in their bunkers sitting on urine soaked mattresses from their latest round of fear.

    Time to turn their fear into something useful. Spread the word. If they don’t call/write/attend their local town hall meeting to demand that their Congress varmints vote additional funds for the CDC, medical research and universal health care, the latest big old boogeyman, Ebola, is coming down the air intake to get them.

    If nothing else, they might use plastic wrap as a prophylactic over their air intakes. Could be as effective as giving them written instructions for breathing.

  9. The NRA and gun & ammo dealers are laughing on the way to the bank, and their saps are going to be wondering what didn’t happen when Obama leaves office without confiscating all their toys. I suppose by then the NRA and the gun & ammo dealers will have cooked up a new scary story.

    You’d think it would get old, being told to be afraid all the time.

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    Got home from church, fixed my lunch and had David Gregory’s “Meet the Press” on the TV … I don’t much like David … but he has Peter King (R) NY on there talking about President Obama’s actions regarding Iraq! Like all good Repukes, Mr. King just knows all the bad guys in Iraq are flying over here to kill and maim everyone in the good ole U.S. of A.

    Jesus … These idiot Repukes want nothing more then throwing us into a sectarian war that has nothing to do with us and all we’re trying to do is help out the poor folks that Isis is trying to starve and kill and they have already killed 500 or more and some of those have been buried alive! We can’t do any humanitarian actions for anyone without these idiots screaming “WAR, WE WANT WAR” … If the repukes want war so damned bad, we should send them in to fight for THEIR cause, certainly not ours or Iraq’s!!

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    It appears your comment section isn’t operating at 100% again, JJ.

    Republicans like Peter King of NY are a big part of the fear-mongering, bring on the war, the Iraqis are coming, the Iraqis are coming crowd who only spread their horrible hate and fear over everything they touch and the airwaves that let them spew their stupidity!!

  12. Remind me to NEVER visit Salina, Kansas. OK? Thanks!

  13. What’s wrong with Kansas? GOP, Tea Party, NRA, ALEC, Koch brothers, Sam Brownback, etc.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    That “white kids will no longer be in majority at school” really irks me. For starters, the background is WHITE. All the kids are some shade of pinkish or yellowish brown. If anyone were THAT white they’d get rushed to the hospital for a blood transfusion, assuming there were still a heartbeat. For another, folks still argue about whether or not folks pay any attention to the color of skin. It seems to me that they DO but not the same way exactly. Seems to me like the differences these days are more along the lines of male/female/other, rich/poor/really poor, Muslim/other, educated/uneducated. Usw. oh. And so forth.

  15. Fred Farklestone says:

    Ask a ammosexual to point out where in the Constitution that is gives him/her the “right to bear arms!” Make a bet and let someone else hold the money, you’ll win every time because it isn’t in the Constitution!

  16. The NRA and gun & ammo dealers are laughing on the way to the bank, and their saps are going to be wondering what didn’t happen when Obama leaves office without confiscating all their toys. I suppose by then the NRA and the gun & ammo dealers will have cooked up a new scary story.

    You’d think it would get old, being told to be afraid all the time.

  17. Angelo_Frank says:

    I know someone who has been buying and storing ammo ever since Obama was elected in 2008. For all the money he has spent on ammo, for all those years, he would have been a heck of a lot richer taking that money and investing it in the S&P 500 Index.

  18. OldMayfly says:

    Reminds me of back in the Cold War era when a low-budget movie was filmed in my neck of the woods. It was all about them Commie Ruskies invading the US.

    When those evil Commies landed in our state what did they do? Seize the armory? Attack the airport? Get control of the TV stations?

    Nope. They drove through the subdivisions shooting out the picture windows. If only those suburbanites had ammo.

  19. OldMayfly says:

    Reminds me of Cold War era when a low-budget movie was filmed in my neck of the woods. It was about those evil Commie Ruskies invading our suburbs. Did they try to take over the Armory? the airport? the TV stations? Nooo!

    They drove through the suburbs with their tanks shooting out picture windows. And one of the most heavily armed civilian populations in the US didn’t fire back–goes to show–we should have stockpiled more ammo!

  20. What’s the matter with Kansas? GOP, Tea Party, NRA, ALEC, Koch brothers, Sam Brownback, etc.

  21. captain dan says:

    What good would assault weapons be against drone strikes!!

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Onliest good to come out of Kansas recently is a revolt against Goobenor Brownback’s austerity plans that may end up bankrupting the state. At least a hundred former and present wingnuts are willing to work against Brownback’s policies.

  23. I used to live in Salina, Kansas and it was a nice place to live with good education and quiet neighborhoods. I never saw racism. Almost democratic but with a strong sense that only republicans were a real political party. So sorry to see things have gone to pot there.

  24. What’s so very sad is that when one is living in fear, it’s impossible to live from the heart. I’d feel sorry for them if they weren’t doing everything possible to ruin MY life.
