They Don’t Play Nice

March 08, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Interesting fact:

You cannot give them a little and expect them to give a little back.  You cannot negotiate with them. You cannot reason with them.  Hungry children are not a priority as long as it’s not their kids. Their kids go to Cancun. They would rather die from Covid than give the Dems a “win.”

They have become Donald Trump.  Don’t try to make nice with them. They don’t know nice.


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0 Comments to “They Don’t Play Nice”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Democrats need to continue to remind voters how repugnanticans voted not to help them in a time of national crisis. You’d think it would be an easy choice at the ballot box in 2022 and 24. The cult has to be shrinking based on national polls. Need to keep shrinking them.

  2. megasoid says:

    Maybe help is coming

    Headline: Trump’s entire Cabinet is now confirmed

    Edit: Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, as secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, according to two sources familiar with the decision.

    Edit: Fudge would be the second Black woman to lead HUD and will likely play a key role following the coronavirus pandemic, where many across the country are struggling to pay for their rent or mortgages.

  3. Sorry, Steve @1, you’re presuming a level of rationality that just doesn’t exist.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    It’s probably wishful thinking, but as much as polls are often inaccurate, it’s pretty clear outside of congress, a majority of repugnanticans supported the covid relief bill. Can’t let them forget how their R’s in congress voted. Might even have similar feelings about adjusting the minimum wage, same as when they tried to kill Obamacare.

  5. megasoid says:

    Typoo! bugger… Biden’s Cabinet. Trump fired his.

  6. john in denver says:

    megasoid — Why are you writing of Trump’s Cabinet? Do you mean Biden’s?

    Pace of confirmation for Biden’s Cabinet is slow — a helpful graph is available at [no paywall for this article — The Washington Post is providing this important information free to all readers. ]

    Current status: 3 nominees have been announced.
    41 are being considered by the Senate.
    14 have been confirmed by the Senate.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    Amen Sister Juanita Jean!

  8. megasoid says:

    john in denver #5 face slapped, glasses cleaned.

  9. Chris Murphy puts it all into perspective on the floor of the Senate.

  10. el lagarto says:

    all due respect, JJH, they have not “become Donald Trump”. This is who they were when Donald Trump was still playing giggling-middle-school-boy grabass with Howard Stern. The guiding Banana Republican philosophy has been “it’s better to keep something good from happening than to let the good thing happen if a Democrat might get the credit for it” since Day 1 of the Obama admin, if not before.

  11. Folks at our house are wondering how many repugnants will be sending their Covid check back to the Treasury and how many will be doing the same with their “ kinder geld”.
    As DH’s birth family are ALL firmly entrenched in LA, we use them as our sample. The vote is NONE.
    Some of our liberal do-gooder friends will donating their stimulus cash to Black Colleges, Indigenous groups, etc.

  12. Harry Eagar says:

    el lagarto @ 10 Youare correct but you have to take it back much further.

    I just finished a 2-foot-high stack of books about the McCarthy period. It is astonishing how many paragraphs about McCarthy can be lifted out, inserted into any article about trumpism and fit perfectly.

    The McCarty period was much meaner but some of its fundamental characteristics were obscured by the hangover from an older generation of Republicans and by the division of rightwingers into Republican and Southern Democrat sets.

  13. Trumpism is the end result of the Unholy Wedlock of the John Birch Society and the KKK Dixiecrats.

  14. Harry Eagar says:

    Jace That’s what I think. I had not done any serious reading on the McCarthy era for 30 years and decided to catch up on recent scholarship to be sure I was not out of date.

    As far as I am concerned,the only fundametal change in American politics in my lifetime was the Voting Rights Act of 1965. That unified the rightwingers in the Republican Party, which they took over the machinery of; and allowed the Democrats to become a rather timid center-left party. As a result, region and class became much less important and education and opportunity became more important.

    The strangest thing about the 2020 and the 2018 elections was the significance of the “suburbs.” Not the farmers, nor labor v. bosses, or South v. North, but just the kind of street where you live.

    I do not believe any pundit foretold that.
