I’m Innocent, Louie Did It

March 08, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, if you’re Marjorie Taylor Greene you probably don’t need help to screw things up. It’s highly likely you can do that on our own.

But if you’re Louie Gohmert, you have stoopid to share – plenty go around for everybody to enjoy.

So, when Louie gave a donation to Marjorie Greene in his own name to make it look like the money came from him personally instead of his campaign account, MTG reported it as a personal contribution. Then she had to file a correction, and she made sure the FEC knew it was Louie’s fault, not hers.

You can click here and go to page 3.

Louie is always there to help.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I’m Innocent, Louie Did It”

  1. The Surly Professor says:

    Page 3 of that doc has way too many long words, lengthy sentences, correct grammar, and names of software systems – there is no way on earth that MTG wrote that. Her eyes would glaze over and she’d have to move for adjournment again.

    So clearly it was some staffer on Gang Greene who filled that in for her. But it’s mighty good of you to credit her with it, JJH. Shows that you have a kind heart.

  2. john in denver says:

    Hi, The Surly Professor …

    we are going to be learning a fair amount about “you sign it, you own it” in the months to come. And its modern day equivalent … “your account sent it, you are responsible” [see terms and conditions, Clause xx, paragraph #9, #9, #9]

    Local example is Rep. Boebert and her campaign financing oopsies … those sequential “amendments” are looking shady already, and we’ve not yet seen the receipts.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    How many dumb and dumbers can there be in the repugnantican party in congress? And in state parties?

  4. RepubAnon says:

    I expect “Gohmert made a stupid mistake” is a very believable defense.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    To quote the prophet Bobby Jindal: “we have to stop being the party of stupid.” Or, pRick Perry, “oops.” Downhill from Loopy Louie is no way to go kids. But that is the trajectory from Tea Baggers to Freedumb Caucus to the current Quack-a-Non caucus. And, that’s just the House. The QOP has infected the Senate, too.

    It wasn’t that long ago, when NV had what most of us didn’t know at the time, was probably the last decent Republicon senator, Dean Heller. Make no mistake about it, Dean was an idiot and fell hostage to the ***king moron in some seriously embarrassing photo ops. In his defense, unlike Louie and notable others, Dean hired people who could handle his senator related tasks so we his constituents had some representation. Then we as a group decided we deserved better meaning both constituent representation and a guy who wasn’t an embarrassment to the state.

    Sorry about your luck QOP, but that meant change required two women and the necessity that they be Democratic women. If the VRA passes to end gerrymandering, voter suppression, and other generic QOP ratfuck!ng, there is hope for all 50 states in 2022.

  6. If you delve even further into the document, to page 27, you’ll see that Loopy Louie is identified as a servant-representative, employed by the U.S. Government. The jokes almost write themselves. Sadly, this one isn’t funny.
