There’s Always a Reason…

April 07, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Cohen, Coronavirus, Trump

Trump has been pushing (against all of his medical expert’s advice) that everyone try malaria drug hydroxychloroquine sulfate, falsely claiming twice that the FDA had cleared it for use against COVID-19.  We now know why – the largest manufacturer of the drug is Novartis.  In 2018, Novartis agreed to pay Michael Cohen (you know, Trump’s personal attorney who is now in jail) $1.2 million dollars for access to Trump.  What a coinquidink that Trump is now hawking their drug from the WH briefing room.

This presidency can’t end too soon.

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0 Comments to “There’s Always a Reason…”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, 51% or more of America knew the day Covidiot* 45 and Messy rode down the gilded elevator that he* would turn our country into a soaphole combination of Shopping Network meets Celebrity Soaphole. He* has put a price on everything and had it redirected to his* pockets. Wonder what the price of his* resignation might be? Certainly less expensive in both lives and dollars than his* continuing another 9 months.

  2. thatotherjean says:

    @Jane & PKM: In some ways, it’s too bad that Trump will be subject to prosecution the minute his term is over. I know he deserves to be in prison, but I’d almost be willing to let Michael Bloomberg spend a billion dollars to buy him off, just to get rid of him now.

  3. Steven Watkins says:

    With everyone who is sane is trying to figure out what our President is doing or thinking, all you have to do is think, what would a “MOB BOSS” do?

    And we are just talking about the Malaria drug, Jared Kushner said it all, the federal repository of PPE devices is ‘ours’, not the states. And they are getting a “PIECE OF THE ACTION”, as a mob boss would do.

    What other reason would they insist on distributing all the PPE devices through commercial, or private enterprises?

    Living in Las Vegas, I would say it is a good bet the ‘Trump Organization’ is getting a piece of the action for every PPE device sold.

    That’s in a nutshell.

    What would a ‘Mob Boss DO’?


  4. Jane & PKM says:

    thatotherjean @2, no. Not almost. Just no. However there is another temptation/option for which service we’d gladly accept Mr. Bloomberg’s generous check, but respect for Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself precludes discussion. We are so way past the fear of little black helicopters …

  5. Opinionated Hussy says:

    And I’ve finally been able to listen to the Queen’s Covid19 speech after a friend said it eased her 94-year-old mom’s anxiety (yeah, they’re both Americans)….

    All I can say is, it must be nice to have an actual leader in times like these.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, good luck. Seriously. Good luck maintaining your energy levels at the levels necessary to track the malfeasance of this maladministration at every level. As I tumbled down the rabbit hole of just a few things Covidiot* 45 has been up to in recent days thought about the energy of 100 gerbils on their exercise wheels, while Covidiot* 45 conspires so openly it as if he* we trying to project his* conservative owned conspiracy hats onto we liberals.

    There’s Acting Covidiot Moldy over in Guam. What might the impaired readiness of the Navy have to do with Covidiot* 45’s sending of our gunboats to Venezuela?

    Then we have the Big Pharma little Jughead Kushner deep pockets and who profits from novel coronavirus avenues aka bank routing slips.

    Anyone seen Bitsy DeVile today?

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    El Jefe, and this just in: Trump removes independent watchdog for coronavirus funds, upending oversight panel

    “A panel of inspectors general had named Glenn Fine — the acting Pentagon watchdog — to lead the group charged with monitoring the coronavirus relief effort. But Trump on Monday removed Fine from his post, instead naming the EPA inspector general to serve as the temporary Pentagon watchdog in addition to his other responsibilities.”

    Sean O’Donnell current the inspector general of the Environmental Protection Agency. Who in the unholy name of Alex Azur is he? Not the hockey player, the covidiot at EPA. Sean moved over to EPA from the criminal division of DOJ. Makes sense that the word “criminal” would have an attraction for Covidiot* 45, and we know how conservatives feel about the EPA. Yep, another covidiot fox to guard the $trillions. Wait for it …

  8. Pipeline Pig says:

    I don’t know why Anus Tangerinus persists in recommending this drug, despite the constant reality checks from Dr. Fauci. My guess is he stands to make a lot of money from the use of hydroxychloroquine sulfate.
    I hope some enterprising pit bull of a reporter can dig up the connection. Follow the money.

  9. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Trump’s drug has a laundry list of unpleasant side effects, some quite serious. Husband took it while in the Army in ‘Nam, one every Monday, for malaria prevention. Insufficient evidence that it will cure or prevent bad cases of Covid-19, given small sample size of study and use only on mild/moderate cases.
