There is No Day Off in Louie World

May 09, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I was hoping to take the day off today. I’m in Austin for the LBJ Dinner featuring both Wendy and Leticia, and Senator Tom Harkin.

But, nooooo….

Louie has to have a crazy fit twice today.

First, he says that the ho-mo-sex-u-als are Nazis because they call Louie a hater. You know, just like the Nazis.

And then for extra points on Make Him Shuddup Day, Louie says there’s a giant conspiracy between Comcast, Al Gore, Al Jazeera, David Cohen, unnamed Aliens being housed at Area 51, and the real killer of John Kennedy to keep Glenn Beck off of television for the 2014 election.

Louie, I will personally buy Glenn his own teevee show if he promises to have you on everyday.

I’m perfectly serious. I think the Democratic National Committee will pitch in a few bucks, too.

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0 Comments to “There is No Day Off in Louie World”

  1. Miemaw says:

    “”Cohen you’re a smart man and apparently a smart attorney. You understand the consequences of not speaking truthfully before Congress?” he asked.”………. (Louie Gohmert.)

    You reckon Louie Gohmert understands “the consequences” of not speaking truthfully before Congress”….. or the American people?? Press (1) for NO…….

  2. That guy is as offensive as he is stupid.

  3. GeeJay says:

    What I enjoy the most about Louie Gohmert is that he is just as stupid as he looks.

  4. Annnndd noowwww…
    Coming to you live, in color, and in-sane…
    It’s the Glenn & Louie Show..

    Wait, it’s not in color? Not even black and white? Just white? Yes I know we’re supposed to see a clear white light right before we meet Jesus, but guys, this is television…

  5. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Where do we donate to make the TV thing happen?

  6. Saying that homosexuals are like Nazis is exactly as ignorant and offensive as saying that Jews are like Nazis. The Nazis murdered every homosexual they could identify and catch. (They were anti-abortion too, by the way.)

    We joke about Louie, but he and morons like him are really beyond a joke.

  7. Well, homosexuals and Nazis are both carbon-based life forms.

    Not so sure about Louie.

  8. Loopy Louie should switch to using his for real mother given middle name, Buller. It would stand for both his bull-headed stupid and the bull droppings he fires out of his mouth. It’s as if his mother was prescient. Then again, she was married to his father, Louis Buller Gohmert, so she probably had a heads up on spawn of stupid.

    Other than his honorary spot on the dart board of The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., Buller has earned the notice of Right Wing Watch for his Paranoia-Rama.

  9. Ya gotta love Louie. When over extended and press for time, while needing to add to the blog what does Jaunita Jean do? Google Louie for todays quotes and write few a couple of paragraphs to pull it together. Everyone here is happy. They ain’t dummies at the Beauty Salon. Have a great time.

  10. BarbinDC says:

    I’m just thankful that Loopy Louie makes up for Marion Barry Every. Single. Day.

    Thank yew, Tejas!

  11. maggie says:

    Rhea, the Nazis approved of abortion for Jewish women and others they considered undesirables.
    Their own women had to keep spawning boy babies to feed the eternal war machine which had no intention of ever suing for peace. Anywhere. Any time.

  12. maryelle says:

    Here’ Louie hangin’ with his pal, Michelle, while she does her bat$hit crazy routine about the ‘women’s History Memorial. birds of a feather…

  13. maryelle, Looney Birds flock together. Am still gobsmacked those two idiots were allowed to travel to Egypt with Steve King. What was that message? “Egypt, you may have problems, but the US has these 3 idiots.” President Obama going for the pity vote in the middle east?

    Memo to President Obama: next time send them on a safari to Africa. Maybe the game wardens will load them up with a nice big tranquilizer gun.

  14. OldMayfly says:

    Rhea–so true. The Nazis were anti-abortion, i.e. forced birth for their “Nordic” women. They were “kill ’em all” for women and men of other ethnicity.

    And Hitler was totally “Children, Kitchen, Church” to limit the sphere of his favored group of women.

    Sick, sick, sick.

  15. Moratorium on taxes in Texas, while being able to fully fund health care for all and free pre-school through graduate school. Open a “whack-a-Kochroach politician” theme park. Strap a surf board to Tom DeLay’s back and ride him mouth first down a giant water slide. For the toddler set, a game board of holes with heads of Louie, Steve and pRick popping up for a smack down. To promote father & son bonding, mallets for the toddlers and a sledge hammer for Dads. For entire family fun, ladies day free every day, bring your own weighted rolling pins.

    What’s a theme park without a House of Horrors. Charles, David and Shellie will be tied to a cross on a conveyor belt and pop out at every corner as your boat navigates the river. For a mere 25 cents, you’ll be given a pitch fork with which to take your best shot.

    In the back forty, we’ll be offering live skeet with fresh targets flown in hourly from Wall Street and ignorant state legislators from all 50 states.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Louie thought that Moses was all about one man, one woman marriage? Moses was a Hebrew who lived in a culture where men had multiple wives plus concubines, I guess because they didn’t have TV or the internet. It always made problems, though. And if it’d help keep Beck and all his friends (take your pick) off the air through the 2014 elections I’d be glad to help read the dictionary aloud in English and in German. Someone else will have to do the other languages.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    Oh dear. I just had this awful thought. Louie sure is on TV a lot these days. You s’pose he’s running for president? I’m logging off and going to go do something sane.

  18. Rubymay says:

    PKM — sounds like a real money-making enterprise.

  19. Larry McLaughlin says:

    Louie, like most wing-nuts is totally ignorant of what is in the Bible.
    I defy anyone to tell me anything Jesus said about marriage, other than what he said about whether the man would recognize any of the 7 women he had married, but who had all died.
    He went to a wedding in Cana, but not a word about the celebrants.

  20. RepubAnon says:

    Louie’s sort of like a geyser – the crazy bubbles out of sight for a while, then bursts forth in a large fountain that causes harm to any living thing it splashes on. Unlike Old Faithful, the timing of these bursts of boiling bilgewater are irregular.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    It’s prolly a good thing something created Louie else ways you’d spend the rest of your life in sin,misery and debauchery trying to envision something as damn dumb as Louie. Stephen King would have a hard time topping Louie.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Louie’s the guy who meets a chick in a bar and says let’s go to your place. She says,I can’t-I have my menstrual cycle. Louie says,that’s okay I will follow you on my Honda.

  23. JAKvirginia says:

    Onion!! Funny, funny, funny. And probably true, true, true.

  24. Zyxomma says:

    Hope you’re having fun this weekend, JJ.
