Then What The Hell Are They?

August 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump has decided that children of military, foreign service, and other folks serving their country without whining about heel spurs, will not automatically be considered American citizens.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued a policy rescinding previous guidance stating that some children of U.S. service members and other government officials abroad are considered “residing in the United States” and automatically given citizenship under a section of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

I think children born to people with heel spurs should not be allowed to live.  No good ever comes from them.

Ho boy, Trump really, really hates John McCain, doesn’t he?


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0 Comments to “Then What The Hell Are They?”

  1. Please explain to me how this plays to his base?

  2. George in Lee County says:

    The current occupant is a bully.That is how it plays to his base. Most of my high-school years in San Antonio were spent avoiding bullys. They need someone to —- well, bully —- and any target at all will do. Bystanders stand by to watch the action. I had the distinct pleasure of watching a bully get the shit beat out of him one day, in the downstairs hall of Breckenridge High School, buy a guy who had the build of a cedar fence post. That boy was skinny. But he knew how to take care of a bully. I suspect that if people would start dealing with the current occupant as the bully he is, he will get the message and maybe act differently. That, of course, means Republicans will have to do something, but they enjoy way to much watching the bully beat up on defensive people.

  3. “Thank you for your service?”

    McCain still gets under the Cheeto in Chief’s skin. Of course this presupposes that he’s compus mentis enough to be aware that Sen John McCain, son and grandson of Navy admirals, born in Panama 83 years ago tomorrow would not have been automatically a US citizen. But then again, the cruelty is the point.

    FWIW, “The children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens.” — U.S. Congress, An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, March 26, 1790 so there’s that.

    This is primarily designed to target non-Americans, fighting for and serving our country. People we used to reward with citizenship even if they were not from Nordic nations.

  4. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group.
    Voted for him in overwhelming numbers so it is only fair they have to deal with the foulness they helped impose on others.
    Poor poor baby mercs here they thought that they could murder and torture with impunity but now the hens are coming home to roost and, as is consistent, they are whining when they discover the Nuremberg defense won’t protect them from their masters when.
    But then again considering the moral turpitude of these murders for hire they may not care.

  5. Sandridge says:

    George in Lee County,
    I was a fairly scrawny schoolkid too ~ 6-7th grade. Got singled out and harassed by the Earp brothers [real name*], the usual crap- rough you up, steal whatever.
    One afternoon walking home from school, there was only one big ol’ Earp POS around, and the punk was ‘feeling lucky’, ala “Dirty Harry”… After I pounded his bloody face deep into the dirt, those Earp boys never bothered me again. ;]

    * Have no idea if they were kin of ‘those’ Earps.

  6. Trump needs a few years in a replica Hanoi Hilton.
    The rice diet might help him shed the water weight, caused by his metabolism.

  7. IMHO:
    “The Cruelty is the Point” was great. And true.
    But when talking to a maga, cruelty is a term used by snowflakes.
    Anything resembling empathy is weakness to the point of cowardice.
    So to hell with it.
    The Sadism is the Point.
    It’s a better fit.

  8. Does this mean that my daughter who was born in La Ceiba, Honduras when we were serving in the Peace Corps, is not a citizen of the United States?

  9. Yeah but what if they are white. Guess that’s the exception. The stupidity just goes on an on.

  10. It sounds as if military families must now do what civilian families overseas already have to: go to the embassy, make declarations and sign forms. Maybe not so easy at some duty stations. Remember there are 6-8 million non-military Americans overseas.

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    I wonder where that would put that nasty shit Teddy Cruz?

  12. This doesn’t just affect military personnel. It also affects diplomatic personnel, buisnesspeople, and tourists.

    The point is to disenfranchise people who are overseas, and create a class of children who are stateless.

    The idea would be you have to enter the USA legally to apply for naturalisation (which would disenfranchise you from running for president and a whole bunch of benefits which accrue to citizens). Since you can’t get a visa to enter the USA if you are not a citizen of the country from which you travel (since most countries would not recognise military personnel, diplomats, and others’ children as citizens) you cannot get a visa legally.

    CF: Kansas, when they tried to disenfranchise people under their Voter ID law from using federal absentee ballots while Brownback was governor.

    As a former Navy recruiter, I would advise anyone today considering military service to stay out. It’s not that I am anti-military (I am a disabled veteran myself) but because the Dumpster fire in the White House is going to stick it to anyone in the services, right along with the GOP. I saw that from when I first entered the Navy under Jimmy Carter, when the public hated the military post-Vietnam.

    The edict also can be challenged under the XIV Amendment. Presumably if a male military member’s wife is pregnant, he can send her (at great expense) back to the USA to give birth here.

    A female military member who is pregnant would not be allowed to abandon her post.

    That is unequal treatment under the law.

  13. Frankly, I think that he does not have any real or positive feelings for the military, especially after his experience as a teen in a military academy and his “bone spurs” to dodge military service. So he goes after the most vulnerable side of the military – their families in general and the babies in particular. Totally boneheaded move!

  14. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Deb, that 1790 Act of Naturalization goes on to specify “free White persons of good character.” So trump is just doing what our (racist) Founding Fathers wanted.

  15. Linda Phipps says:

    Good comments, and worthwhile reading. However I don’t see (or smell) the toad, Cuccinell’s role in this. It should be.
