The Wild and Wacky World of Michele Bachmann and Numbers
Michele Bachmann appears to have a problem with numbers. Like this.
In a conference call with the anti-immigrant group Numbers USA last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann called illegal immigration a “war against the American people” and suggested that the U.S. levy a 100 percent tax on money that immigrants send back to Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala in order to put pressure on those countries’ governments.
Okay, okay. First figure out how to find out who is sending how much. Then, find out if they are citizens. Next, retrieve the envelope with the money and tax it by … I dunno, putting one of those title frowny faces on it with a rubber stamp maybe?
100% tax huh? And this puts pressure on the Central American governments … how? I’m just totally lost. Is this algebra or something?
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.