The Wild and Wacky World of Michele Bachmann and Numbers

August 05, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Michele Bachmann appears to have a problem with numbers.  Like this.

Bachman_Witch_2In a conference call with the anti-immigrant group Numbers USA last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann called illegal immigration a “war against the American people” and suggested that the U.S. levy a 100 percent tax on money that immigrants send back to Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala in order to put pressure on those countries’ governments.

Okay, okay.  First figure out how to find out who is sending how much.  Then, find out if they are citizens.  Next, retrieve the envelope with the money and tax it by  … I dunno, putting one of those title frowny faces on it with a rubber stamp maybe?

100% tax huh?  And this puts pressure on the Central American governments … how?  I’m just totally lost.  Is this algebra or something?

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Wild and Wacky World of Michele Bachmann and Numbers”

  1. OldMayfly says:

    So if a worker wants to send $50. American back home to help Abuela, and the US Gov (as directed by Michelle Bachman) taxes the worker $50, then Grandma will be hungry, Michelle will be happy, and the visitor worker might as well go home–which will not please his US employer.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Dim wit, or more accurately dim witch is yet another st00pid faux fiscal conservative. While they chase pennies on the backs of the poor and exploited, they ignore the Cloven hoofed Craven Bundy and the Koch Roaches. And, miss a trillion or two siphoned off by the war criminals every few months.

    It’s two prong, if we have a sane immigration policy. Our economy benefits from the work and the countries that the workers send their wages to also benefit. If the GOP was not so intransigent st00pid, we wouldn’t be wasting money on pRick Perry’s seriously st00pid deployment to the border. BTW where’s pRick castigating the Texas delegation for not skipping their extended vacation, while ‘his’ border goes unprotected?

    Sanity left the Republican Party in the Reagan era, or was it the Eisenhower years?

    Yeah, Einstein tagged them. Fail, fail, fail, repeat and rinse.

    BLUE Texas, 2014; America 2014, we need to get out the vote and vote in droves. The alternative is C-SPAN loaded with clowns and no comedy.

    Run it by me again, Cheeto-lite. You led, they fled, and now you want President Obama to fix everything. Second verse, same as the first. Bush2 broke it, Obama didn’t fix it fast enough and now you silly twits want President Obama to fix all, while you are on yet another extended vacation.

    Speak up Mr Boehner, and correct me if I’m wrong, then you might consider yet another lawsuit to sue President Obama for your dereliction of duty?

    Better idea. We the people sue Congress for dereliction of duty and as a courtesy offer President Obama to join our suit.

  3. Aren’t you glad that she went and became a tax lawyer rather than a math teacher aimed at your kid?

  4. It’s understandable that JJ was deceived a while ago, because it is impossible to tell what this woman actually says from satire about her. There’s just no difference.

    The thoughts in her head frequently stroll out through her mouth with no filtering whatsoever.

  5. maryelle says:

    And we wonder why other nations view us as ugly Americans. Thank God she is leaving Congress and taking her selfish, hate-filled sentiments with her. We should be taxing Congressfools 100% and taking away their healthcare and pensions.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    That’s the good news, maggie.

    What scares me is that she and her confused husband had access to a significant number of foster children, then they ran their scam of ‘therapy’ to cure the gays.

    Elected to Congress? Holy blighters where is the media that these quack-a-doodles are not eliminated the day they file?

    Never mind. Still tossing down the Tums, after changing channels, pausing a second to actually hear that idiot Chris Matthews posit that Rand Paul is a tad better than clown car material.

    New bumper sticker, Marge Wood. “Rand Paul, flips so fast that a flounder cannot keep up.”

  7. “levy a 100 percent tax on money that immigrants send back to Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala”

    That’s discrimination. What about the Chinese, Indians, Filipinos, Koreans, Polish, Greeks, Irish, French, etc. who send money back to their respective countries?

  8. Wait, I’m confused. Aren’t ALL taxes bad? Aren’t ALL taxes too high?

    What would her founding fathers think about taxing people without representation?

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    glf, I have no argument with anyone sharing their earnings with family in any country.

    The travesty the GOP ignores are those who do not share with anyone, avoid all taxes and offshore their money, while seeking bigger and better tax loopholes. Oops, my bad, the GOP wanted $Rmoney to be president. Unbelievable, but there’s a distinctly loud undercurrent among the GOP to bring about a $Rmoney redux in 2016.

    Not a big HRC fan, but can’t say I won’t enjoy the smack down she will deliver on any GOP clown that rises out of the muck of their party.

    On the positive side, all we need to do is energize the vote. While the GOP is seriously desperate. Trot out the ghouls of the past for real; $Rmoney and Bob Dole.

    Guess for fear of arrest G HW Bush and GW Bush need to STFU and stay home.

    Jebbie has been remarkably quiet lately. Not to worry, he too will feel the Hillary shillelagh, if he sticks his head out of his mole hole.

  10. Rick — Perfect, just perfect!

  11. 100% tax is confiscation after the face. Outright theft. The woman is too craven to call it what it really is.

  12. RepubAnon says:

    @Rick: Yeah, I noticed the incongruity of Michelle Bachmann advocating for new taxes as well.

    However, the 100% tax on funds sent by people to their family members overseas could be a good idea – if we apply it to, say, corporate persons. Let’s propose a 100% tax on money sent to a foreign corporation by its US affiliate after an inversion – and call it the Michelle Bachmann Tax Plan.

  13. Illegal immigrants have it soooooooo easy in this country! Driving around in their 1997 Chevy Blazers and living twelve deep in trailer homes! Tax’em!

  14. W. C. Peterson says:

    It’s best to just ignore idiocy like this from the TEA Party Republicans. Bachmann will soon exit the national stage and we all will be just a little bit better off for that.

  15. Didn’t we fight a war with Britain over the issue of ” No taxation without representation”?
    She wants to specifically tax people who earned that money ” by working for it”?
    She wants more taxes?

    You can tell she is of the deep end, deeper end I think.
    More government intrusion, new taxes, government taking from the people what they earned, why you would never know she was a republican.
    Except that she is a lying, crazy and nuts!

  16. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Obviously she’s using Karl Rove Math.

    That woman is an embarrassment to the rest of us hooter toters.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    PKM, when’s your book coming out? and btw, PKM and others, how about starting a chapter of MORAL MONDAYS where you live? Also, how about finding out which corporations (Walgreen’s has bowed out) are still considering inversion so they don’t have to pay taxes in the USA? and how big an influence is ACCE, the offshoot of ALEC, in your city and county? Voting is part of the equation. Facts and noise are another part of it.

  18. A Psychotic (and Bachmann) believe that 2+2=5.

    (A Neurotic knows that 2+2=4, but he worries about it.)

  19. Adrianinflorida says:

    When do we start taxing corporations ending their money (And Jobs) overseas?

  20. Adrianinflorida: So we substitute “Inversion” for “Immigrant” in her Bill and count on her reading skill deficit and attention span. Could work.
