The White House Got Whitewashed Today

October 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And every damn day.





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0 Comments to “The White House Got Whitewashed Today”

  1. Lunargent says:

    Sometimes, the perfect metaphor just appears.

  2. We shall overcome.

  3. When they finish the White House, will the cleaning crew head over to the Supreme Court and wash it down with beer chaser? An appropriate welcome for the new justice.

  4. Seriously, decades ago when I first came to D.C., the WH actually had a yellowish look to it. Turns out it was from automobile exhaust. Since then the WH had been using a very particular mixture that would fight as best it could with the air pollution, plus the automobile industry changed various parts of cars etc. to minimize as much as possible “exhaust jet” in order to upgrade air quality.

    And yes, I know what the metaphor of the day is.

  5. yet another baby boomer says:

    Poor old White House! There’s so much **** going on there it’s soiling itself from the inside out. Not fun for the building maintenance crews but pity the overworked housekeeping staff. Just cleaning up the slimey trails Miller leaves behind everywhere must be a full-time chore in itself.

  6. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I’m surprised they weren’t ordered to paint it gold. Gold is a very very classy color, believe me.

    And here comes the resident, still with toilet paper stuck to his shoe.

  7. Whitewashing the White House eh? Shades of Mark Twain. And how appropriate given the plume of bullsh!t surrounding the current president and his mal-administration.

  8. And just in time the african american equal in foul basenes and hypocrisy colin powell has come out with his version of both sides do it after he sold out the country so his son could get a nice wing nut sinecure and he could still rub shoulders with his corporate masters.
    Just like collins as long as he gets a little pay off ne doesn’t care about anything or anybody else.
    Remember he helped pave the road for demented donnie with his shuck and jive show at the UN to rationalize the inane war his owner, the twit, promoted.
    he abased himself for a few extra dollars and now, like a mafia head paying for a new roof at a church, is trying to salvage his tattered reputation while not offending his paymasters.
