
October 06, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Misogyny, SCOTUS

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From a Facebook post by photographer Mary Mathis:

“I shot the Kavanaugh protests this morning for NPR, and this is the photo that will always stick with me. I walked up to her after, needing her name for the photo but knowing it was a terrible time to ask. When I asked, she ignored me and said, “How are we going to find the strength to keep fighting?” I was speechless.

She said, ‘Are we going to be out here for another 30 years? I don’t have 30 years left.'”


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0 Comments to “Heartbreak”

  1. Maybe he will drink himself to death

  2. Me neither, but we have kids and grandkids that need us to keep fighting for their futures. If it weren’t for them, it almost sounds nice to just curl up and die.

  3. And here in Arizona—We have Rubber stamp Mc Sally Who is proud she voted 97% of the time with Trump. If she gets in the Senate she will vote 100% with him, What a Retard. We need to Impeach Kavanaugh and his Boss. Like Willie said “Vote em Out”

  4. @rastybob

    I too, live in AZ. Maybe the geezers that voted Rep. all the time, will wake and realize McSally with the GOP are going to screw them out of their Medicare. I’m not optimistic though when I see the large number of GOP candidate signs in retirement community yards and believe faux noose like it was gospel truth.

  5. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    And…it just keeps getting more repugnant:

    Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts is sitting on [hiding] misconduct complaints against Kavanaugh given to the big kahuna judicial panel for investigation…. A fellow judge on the panel forwarded more than a dozen misconduct complaints to Roberts after concluding that the reports were substantive enough that they should not be investigated by fellow judges on the same panel.

    “If Justice Roberts sits on the complaints then they will reside in a kind of purgatory and will never be adjudicated,” New York University Law School Professor Stephen Gillerse explained. “This is not how the rules anticipated the process would work.”
    From today’s Washington Post: https://tinyurl.com/yc7x5prf

  6. OldMayfly says:

    If the courts dismiss women’s complaints then turn to the media and especially, the internet. Make it so hot for them that they will take YOU to court.

    Note and pass it on–keep a diary ladies. Enter social engagements, the weather, and careful detailed notes of any harassment. Note who, if anyone else, was present.

  7. Susan, I just saw that. If true, which it probably is, then the R’s have gone past curruption and into putrification. It will take longer than my lifetime to get the stench out of the court. Nothing it does will be seen as valid. I had to lie down to write this. I’m an attorney. This whole thing has made me sick.

  8. We are feeling what anybody would when they have experienced a robbery, and then seen their assailants getting away Scott free to enjoy your assets. I hope that somehow, someway, McTurtle will be held accountable for his treatment of the majority of Americans.

    What goes around comes around: If there is adequate evidence for perjury Kavanaugh will be impeached, we can’t let this slide. That and we are going to end the tradition of “Boys will be boys” sexual assault/harassment….

  9. Lunargent says:

    Well, I don’t have any kids. But I think the only thing to do, in the words of CSNY, is Teach Your Children Well.

    Teach them tolerance; fairness; compassion. Teach them that NO ONE has the right to physically compel anyone else into intimate acts without consent. Teach them to listen carefully, think, and evaluate. To look at what people do, rather than just listening to what they say. And to realize that when you stand for what you believe is right, sometimes you stand alone.

    But you won’t be alone forever.
    I don’t do religion. But I try to keep the faith anyway.
    (Not the song you’re probably expecting.)

  10. We. Are. Not. Stopping.

    I have friends who’ve been to DC to protest more than once. They tell tales of the fierce rage which would not have abated even if Kaveman had been denied. There are plans for the next thing and the next thing and the next thing . . . Kaveman will not be left in peace on SCOTUS.

    We will continue coming for the Pootiepublicans as long as it takes until we end their reign. What more important thing do we have to do? What is there to wait for?

    This is far from over. We will take a few deep breaths, rest a bit, and come after them again, endlessly, until women are legally and customarily 100% equal in the USA.

    F I E R C E


  11. Don’t let your grand children learn the ways of the orange turd. Remember the countless children, homeless and without their parents We will overcome. Teach your children well.

  12. Chloe Bear says:

    Debbo I am with you. My vote does not count I live in DC. November 6 I will be driving folks in Virginia to the polls. If we do not continue to work to make change we will go lose even more.


  13. OK. So Kav goes to work pummeled and paranoid, as he should be. Ten to one he will not make any friends on the bench and there are those on the bench who want a helluva word with former Justice Kennedy. And yes, there is no way we will quit. Other justices have resigned before. Remember Justice Fortas? for one?

  14. Coprolite says:

    On the bright side, as the most junior associate justice Prep school Brett, will have to work on the cafeteria committee planning meals, be a lowly secretary during private justice discussions, and a doorman to the other justices. Maybe that will teach him a little humility.

  15. I’m a middle-aged guy, so to say I know how this lady feels would be ludicrous. But I have 2 daughters, empathy, and an imagination. And the title of this post couldn’t be more apt.
    I realize he’s another white guy, but John Pavlovitz has shown to have more empathy than I could ever hope to have. And his latest post “Here’s Why You Can’t Give Up Now” should be read by anyone who I imagine feels like the woman pictured above. And everybody else.

  16. What Debbo said. I haven’t got 30 more years either, but I’m confident that new recruits are coming up behind me. As Susan B Anthony said, with such women (and men), failure is impossible.
    But I hope somebody gave the lady in the picture a hug. Everybody needs one sometimes.

  17. Linda Phipps says:

    Trump has called us “The Angry Mob”. I think we do need a T-shirt for that, or a stupid hat.

  18. While I can very much empathize, Kavanaugh was going to be confirmed, from Day 1. Republicans held all the cards, and appealing to any of them to be reasonable is not a reasonable expectation. They are reptiles. They are never going to be anything else. They’ve closed themselves off the everything else. Their days are numbered, one way or another, and they all know it.
    I truly hope the woman in the photo can embrace her pain. Embrace it and squeeze it and transform it into righteous indignation. And take that to the streets. And to the polls.

  19. Mister Lee says:

    Trump, McConnell, et al are partying like it’s 1789.

  20. There was some female shill from the American Enterprise outfit on a talking head tv show this morning expounding on women who publicly lie about a SCOTUS candidate and even if it is a woman who really is honest, her “outing” the guy is on the same level as sexual assault. I want her DNA tested. I think “he” is passing as a a woman.

  21. That Other Jean says:

    @AK Lynne: I don’t have 30 years left, so I’ll vote and protest for my kids and grandson. And I don’t want to live in the kind of American Trump wants, either, so I’ll do it for me, too.

    @ Susan on the Left Coast: Roberts won’t be Chief Justice forever. If Kavanaugh hasn’t already drunk himself to death, maybe action can be taken against him when Roberts retires. Also: None of the present government is “. . .how the rules anticipated the process would work.”

    @Coprolite: And I hope the junior Justice hates every minute of it.

    @ Linda Phipps: I want a blue hat that reads “Part of the Angry Mob.”

  22. Time to recognize that the addled ronnie revolution has succeeded.
    The US gov. has lost all legitimacy on all branches.
    No more guard rails etc.
    Well if this is the way it is to be …
    When d’s take house spend entire year on investigations.
    Tear the supreme court and judicial system apart. Demand all emails, professional and private, of every whack job judge.
    Call them to answer volumious questions.
    haul them up to the hill whenevr they have something important on their schedule.
    Eliminate ALL travel funds, salaries, equipment requests etc. for the executive branch. Mandate that Air Force 1 is put into mothballs.
    Rip open mcconnells life with sub poena’s. Don’t forget his wife who is collecting a salary for a no show job on demnted donnies cabinet.
    Show no concern for their lives or reputations. If the children are brought in as a “defense” bulldoze right over them, About time they, like the children of mafiosa’s and sleazy humanity, are shown what slime their parents are.
    Prosecute any and every minor legal flaw.
    They decided that by taking advantage of our better angels that they could trash the world nd not live ith the consequences.
    Well they have succeeded in killing those better angels off so now lets see how they enjoy living in the political, social, environmental dysopia they have so long tried to create and were counting on the decent humans to never hold them to account.
    As for future elections remember who owns the voting machines and who counts the votes.
    do not put your trust in failed institions and practices.
    Hobbes described the wasteful ineffeicient society that civilization was attempting to move out of but the thuglicans have embraced so be it.
