The Universe Demands it

January 30, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Tragedies follow the same formula. Someone gets themselves into an easily avoidable situation and suffers the ultimate demise. Usually the cardinal sin is hubris. Hubris can be defined as “exaggerated pride or self-confidence.” Nearly all of our tragic characters think of themselves as invincible for one reason or another. They are all tragically wrong.

There are any number of days that go by when I lose faith in the universe. The universe can be loosely defined by whatever cosmic force you choose to adhere to. Some traditions call it karma. Others say it is fate. The idea is that eventually everyone gets what is coming to them. That could be positive or negative depending on what we render.

That brings us to our ex-president. He has been found liable in civil court for sexual assault. He has a judgement against him for business fraud even though the total amount is still up in the air. It could be that he will end up owing upwards of 400 million plus in those combined judgments. That can seem like justice, but as we know, those numbers can seem about as real as Monopoly money. You have appeals. You have cries of poor. You have numerous delays and running out of the clock.

E. Jean Carroll might end up fetching a small portion of the money owed to her. After you consider the fees her lawyers will collect you have to wonder if she gets anything other than a symbolic victory. The same will be true for the state of New York. Meanwhile, millions of addle=brained meth heads will send in their five and ten bucks to shield their orange Jesus from feeling the effects of his own stupid crimes.

At each step of the way I have been overwhelmed. I never thought he would be charged with anything. He has found ways to weasel out of these things before. His life has been a life free of responsibility for anything. So, when asked how much jail time he will serve for his 91 counts I still set the over/under at zero with zero being the heavy betting favorite. I don’t know what the excuse will be, but I’ll bet it will be a good one.

The ultimate irony is that none of this needed to happen. He could have continued to live a responsibility free life well into sand trap induced dementia. He could have accepted defeat following 2020 and been a fairly benign figure in history. Most of the 91 counts are directly related to his inability to accept defeat. Some of them are loosely related like the documents case. Sure, the documents aren’t directly related to him refusing defeat but I’m sure he convinced himself they belonged to him because he was still the rightful president.

Even the Stormy Daniels stuff would probably have gone away if he had just walked away. Hubris thy name is Donald. I have no idea if the civil fraud case would have continued, but he probably could have stemmed the tide on all of his civil trials by simply walking away. You got to have a pretty big ego to be president. None of the other presidents have had trouble walking away. He is alone in that regard.

The hope here is that somehow the inability to accept defeat will bring it all crashing down on him. The universe demands it. Our collective sense of judgment demands it. Our own faith in the universe is at stake here. True accountability would be death in prison. Obviously, someone guilty of treason as he most certainly is deserves far worse, but I have to be consistent to my own convictions. I do not believe in the death penalty. So, I’ll take death in prison. Let’s go universe. Let’s get a move on.

0 Comments to “The Universe Demands it”

  1. A number of Americans in our history who committed treason and espionage, served prison sentences from 10 to life. A few even died in prison. The Rosenbergs were executed. Trump is a private citizen, former prez title aside. I really hope that Trump will be bankrupted, divorced by his wife and perhaps, be incarcerated in a prison in a far away place, where there’s no audience for him. I think a place like Diego Garcia, would work well.

    As far as Karma, well, could we help her along with T**** voodoo dolls?

  2. For a safe and sane Civil Society, us humans need to be held accountable which is why we have the Rule of Law. tRump is a perfect example of that. All you need to know about tRump is that he is a textbook Malignant Narcissist, malignant meaning your a sadistic vengeful S.O.B. (self centered to the extreme) He is finally being held accountable.

    and …

    and there is hope, you don’t mess with this women …

    You rock George, it’s about right and wrong…

  3. G Foresight says:

    It’s argued that few people have actually met a person who truly is a “malignant narcissist” — 45 is often referred as having that disorder. Thus, if so, he won’t ever change.

    How to Deal With a Malignant Narcissist

    * Don’t try to change them and don’t expect them to change or you might be disappointed.

    * Know that if you challenge them directly, they will likely retaliate.

    * If you do need to confront the person, try not to do so in front of a large audience.

    * and more

  4. Arrghhh, my reply is being reviewed!???

    Thanks G Foresight, easy to see he’s a textbook malignant narcissist.

  5. slipstream says:

    Lock him up!

    If you or I had been arrested four times and charged with a combined 91 felonies, we would not be walking around free. We would be sitting in jail waiting for the trials.

  6. Slipstream @ 3,

    Agree, ordinary citizens would be sitting in a jail cell till trial and there would be immediate, severe consequences for dissing/threatening a judge.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    G Foresight- that was an excellent article about narcissism and especially malignant narcissism. The 45th president, top repugnantican presidential candidate and wannabe authoritarian dictator checks all the boxes. The second and third bullet points are being played out in court as we speak and of course he retaliates and threatens to retaliate big time when elected.
    I agree with Nick- I’m going to be shocked if he ever goes to jail especially when the election is coming before the delays will play out. I hope he has to pay EG Carrol all the juries awarded her, but I’m skeptical. As far as the NY fraud trial and penalty, there was an AP article this morning that basically said it would be unprecedented in history if the almost $400 million was the verdict along with denying him to ever do business in NY. The problem is no person or business was named as being damaged which is hard to believe. Both of those would make appeals highly likely and he would prevail. The teflon Don. Hope I’m wrong.

  8. Sam in Mellen says:

    While a heart attack/stroke would solve a lot of problems, the best thing for all is for Frump to keep being more and more insane and irrational in public. Once he loses this election, the way will be cleared to figuratively finish him off.

  9. Melania not letting him get in her car after her mother’s funeral was a start. Trump even looked sad? Dejected? Disappointed? As he turned around and walked away. Normally he would have strutted away with some bluster, or at least hand gestures indicating a belligerent devil-may-care, move along, there’s nothing going on here.

    Instead, hunched shoulders and a hangdog expression.

  10. Bob Boland says:

    Steve from Beaverton –
    I haven’t read the article but I believe the judge has noted that, because he deliberately and consistently lied about the value of his properties that were used as collateral for loans, the banks lost money because they had given him better interest rates than they would have otherwise. So the banks lost money. Since the banks didn’t receive the interest they would have otherwise, those banks had somewhat smaller capital reserves available to make other loans, which means, in turn, that someone who was seeking a loan to start or expand a business lost out on that opportunity. So yes, some person or business was damaged. Some will say this is too esoteric but nonetheless, it is still true

  11. Ted, not Cruz says:

    After Trump announced his candidacy, back in 2015 or so, he was on Howard Stern ‘s show. Howard said “Donald, this will not end well for you.”

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    The current focus is on tfg, but the real problem is the Republican Party. They have become such weasels that anyone could have come in and taken over by spouting nonsense and collecting money. There is no longer any thought to citizens or voters needs, just themselves.

  13. Nick Carraway says:

    Agreed Grandma, essentially they hitched their wagon to a guy and got two of their three major policy planks accomplished in the process. I think most of them saw him as a useful idiot and therefore not to be feared. I hope the elimination of abortion rights and roll back of taxes on the wealthy was worth it.
