The Ultimate Freudian Slip

May 30, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Russian Hacking, Russians

His Orangeness’ tweet storm this morning:


Look at that second tweet.  As Trump rants about “Presidential Harassment”, “Fake News”, “Witch Hunt Hoax”, he also makes a Freudian slip saying, “And now Russia disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.”  Trump has just acknowledged that indeed it’s true that Russia assisted him into office.  Trump is now in an interesting position…he has denied Russian involvement since it happened, but now he’s saying that it did, but he’s not going to do anything about it.  That can only mean that he’s hoping the Russians do it again.  I don’t believe that statement quite meets the standard of “protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States”, but that’s just me.

I’m getting close to changing my mind on impeachment of this son of a bitch, but not yet.


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