The Traveling Trinity of Turmoil

September 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Louie Gohmert, Michele Bachmann and Steve King walk into a bar …

Or Egypt.  Could be Egypt.

Gohmert reported

“We met with for a long meeting General el-Sissi and many of the military leaders, and my friend Steve King mentioned again about our heritage in America,” Gohmert explained. “George Washington, doing what no one had ever done before him, led a military in revolution, won the revolution, and then resigned and went home.”

Al-Sisi or George Washington? Hard to tell.

What?  Say hey?  When did that happen?  Yeah, Yeah, el-Sissi is just exactly like George Washington, er … well, except for the 8,000 of his own people that he’s killed since Morsi’s ouster.  Hey, but that’s minor.  And he does, in fact have a very cool hat like George Washington did.

Please, somebody tell Louie that they’ve already heard the Walk Like a Egyptian joke so quit dancing like a damfool.

Now I am wonder where Michele Bachmann gets off telling al-Sisi

“We were cheering in front of our televisions back home in the United States,” Bachmann said, referring to when the Egyptian military overthrew Morsi. “We were cheering for you.”

Where did she get this “we” stuff?  I wasn’t cheering.  I was horrified, confused, and deeply disturbed by it.

Why do I get the feeling that these three clowns cannot wait to see this happen in the United States?

Is it just me or is there some weird form of treason going on here?

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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