And The Solution is …. George Bush!

September 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

No matter how you feel about Syria, the one thing we all know is that it could be worse … George W Bush could still be President.

Uh, wait.  I misspoke with that “all” thing.

Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama believes the country wouldn’t be facing the decision of whether to attack Syria if George W. Bush was still in the White House.

At a town hall meeting on Friday, he claimed that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would be too afraid to use chemical weapons if Bush were president.

There might be some truth to that.  If someone mentions George W Bush, I’m afraid to even breathe.

Sessions says Assad would have known that Bush would come after him.  Yeah, Baby!  Just like Bush went after Osama bin Laden.

Thanks to Stephanie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “And The Solution is …. George Bush!”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    There’s always comfort in knowing The Truth, esp. if I knew Bush were in the White House. I would be working 24/7 to get Bush OUT of the White House if he were still there.

  2. Sam in Kyle says:

    I’m pretty sure Bush would invade Jordan as he and Cheney had recent intelligence (still hard to use that word in a sentence with those names) that they were the country to blame.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    I find it interesting that the seven countries GWB and friends called, what was it he called them, had banks that didn’t go along with the World Bank. Banks don’t like you, bomb ’em.

  4. W C Peterson says:

    Syria is just another bullet point on Dick Cheney’s path to owning all the oil and gas in the Middle East. I am so glad their reign of stupidity ended 0n January 22, 2009. I an so sorry that Obama decided not to indict Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for War Crimes, but they will go down in history as being corrupt and incompetent.
    Bush would probably have invaded Syria on a credit card anyway, just like the last two invasions he pulled.

  5. Let’s face it … as long as binLaden was alive there was no bottom line on the Defence Dept’s budget. Now sessions, mckeon, et al are inventing other reasons to ramp up defence spending.

    As long as we get results, I don’t care how much I pay in taxes or what the budget looks like. The only benchmarks I find reasonable are paying the debt service until we have a thriving economy and taxing the wealthy when we get the thriving economy.

    Republi-can’ts can never pay for anything; they are the outfit that really practices government fiduciary support instead of real competition – even competition for internal resources.

  6. That dork still looks like Alfred E. Newman to me…apologies to Alfred E.

  7. I heard that GWB pardoned everyone who could be pardoned, including himself and Cheney, before he left office, therefore they can’t be tried for war crimes in this country. Is that true?

  8. Does anyone have a shoe?

    Just kidding, I wouldn’t want to offend anyone.

  9. Elise Von Holten says:

    I was in Egypt after the 9/11 experience, and one of the striking things was a giant billboard that was set up as a checklist, With little boxes to check things off when accomplished. Iraq, check, Iran -start of a check, Syria the next box and all of the Mideast countries going down the wall.
    It was a huge sign. Our hotel was the former French consulate, ritzy and comfortable ( the giant flying red cockroaches were not in evidence at all) and that sign was what you saw when you opened your curtains to view the city.
    I have never forgot the neo-con plan as evidenced by that wall, and remembered how our quarterly plans have no vision of a ten-20-30 year outlook–we are so busy trying to hold it together–feed our families–I was sent to bed without food/dinner too many times to count–or we devided an 11 cent can of soup between 3 for dinner…I will be fighting the stooge Republicans any way I can–no more BUSHES, no more PERRYS, more Warrens, Graysons, Davis’ and other intelligent, thoughtful members of of our governing bodies…forgive my typos–it happens because of my crippled hands and this auto correct feature that makes me want to throw this iPad across the room!

  10. Yes, I’m sure Assad is just as logical as Saddam Hussein. Like when the UN wanted to send in weapons inspectors to search for WMD’s in Iraq, but Hussein preferred to pretend he had them so his country could be invaded and he could hang from a beam. Because he feared George Bush with his shrewd logical mind.

  11. Ah, good ol’ Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III! (Hey – if the Republicans can use middle names, why can’t we?!)

    The last great military actions involving a Beauregard was during the Civil War, when Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard embedded himself in the history books for several notable retreats and failures to advance.

    Now we have the great Sen. Beauregard Sessions, one-time Army Reserve captain, career racist in the Justice Department, showing everyone how to lead from behind. Today he sits in the bleachers telling everyone how “George” would have done it, but avoiding personal accountability for the here and now.

    And if things go wrong, watch running dog Beauregard tuck his tail between his legs as he scampers through the brambles to Mobile and a midnight rowboat to safety. Nothing worse than a self-serving political lifer dishing B.S. to his moron constituents.

  12. He’s probably at least partly right.

    Bush and Cheney would have made up something…. and attacked, or bombed.

    Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions would have been cheering them on

    Isn’t this special?

  13. mike from iowa says:

    Unfortunately for Don Rumsfeld,there are things we know we know that Neo-Cons will never be aware of or admit. Dumb Bass Dubya was/is a mass murdering war criminal and an unmitigated failure as a fauxknee christian,human being. On the other hand,Rumsfeld etal sucks green wienies.

  14. Spoken like the coward he is, hoping not to let everybody know that he just can’t bring HIMSELF to vote for action. He might be held accountable.

  15. Ms.Wood –
    There is no record I can find that shrub pardoned smirky or himself. He pardoned a couple of shady characters, so did Johnson, Carter and Clinton.

    It makes a mean ‘urban legend’, but as liberals, we revere the truth more than mud slung gratuitously, regardless of whom it hits.

  16. mike from iowa says:

    Dumb bass Dubya did not pardon himself or Darth Vader. He did not pardon “Scooter” Libby for outing a covert CIA agent,although he commuted his sentence. Libby was Mark Rich’s attorney when Clinton pardoned Rich,which rethugs screamed bloody murder about. Libby also wrote a beast-porn novel,something about imprisoned Japanese women and bears,if I remember right.

  17. Corinne Sabo says:

    Condisering Sessions’ history in Alabama, I’m not surprised. He was exceptional at vote suppression there.

  18. freeportguy says:

    Had Syria used chemical weapons while Bush was in Office, he would probably have then invaded North Korea…

  19. Hmmm, last name Sessions, huh? Any relation to Pete, who is, unfortunately my so-called representative? They seem to think alike — if you can call what they do thinking. Beam me up, Scottie, there’s no intelligent life down here.

  20. Half true and fully false at the same time. Assad would have feared Bush. Assad feared Obama. Remember that the US has toppled and killed Saddam and Moammar. Obama did a nasty number on Osama. Assad is winning this civil war at present time. Why would Bashir risk suicide by cop? He didn’t. The rebels have sarin gas and bombs. They used them in the desperate hope that the US rises to the bait and intervenes. Sadly both administrations would twist the intelligence to message Iran. One sure thing: if the US bombs more gas attacks will follow and we will blame Assad again. Pretty obvious where this leads!

  21. Will someone within reach give J. Beauregard Sessions a stick of alum gum? And tell him that it is the perfect thing for keeping the throat in good condition for speechafying.

    And I have no real idea why Syria got so important to us or anybody else? Does it have oil? No. Its sitting on a dry pocket just like Israel and Jordan.

  22. Kath the Scrappy says:

    @ Maggie, “And I have no real idea why Syria got so important to us or anybody else? Does it have oil? No. Its sitting on a dry pocket just like Israel and Jordan.”

    IIRC, from what I’ve read Syria is the easiest/straight way to haul the oil to the Mediterranean Sea for transport.

  23. UmptyDump says:
    September 9, 2013 at 11:23 am…Most excellent takedown of the sniveling Mr. Sessions.

    maggie says:
    September 9, 2013 at 7:49 pm…”And I have no real idea why Syria got so important to us…”

    I hope everyone remembers that the Cheney/Bush regime* made use of Syrian Pres. Assads’ prison ‘facilities’ numerous times.
    The Syrians were sort of our hired good buddies back then. You can bet that there was a lot of close communication that went back and forth.
    We would pick up certain people suspected of being ‘terrists’, and via the newly minted process of “Extraordinary Rendition”, we would contract with various penal service providers, the Syrians among them; who provided, for a hefty fee, ‘special services processing’, like torture, enhanced ‘questioning’ techniques, black holes to ‘disappear’ suspects, etc.
    Syria (yeah, the same one) derived some juicy US $$$$ income paid out by our very own CIA black ops department, running wild under Lil Bushie, delivering some of those captured people to them. We had pretty friendly relations with them then.
    The Syrians would then do the ol’ Spanish Inquisition’ thingys on those hapless bastids, and later return what was left of them to us, with a dossier containing any information obtained in the process (at least the ones anyone knows about, probably a few didn’t survive and were just ‘gone’).

    * The use of that word “regime” just grates on my ears, it is always used instead of words like “government, leaders, etc.” when discussing a nation we currently have a problem with. It’s just part of the damned propaganda.
    Call them what they are, a particular country’s legally constituted government, whether we like ’em or not, and then discuss objectively why they are so bad.
    Who gives a crap about flingin’ verbal poo against some furrin gubmint on national teevee like a fifth-grader on the playground. Just count how many times even Pres. Obama uses that word in his Tuesday speech, utter bullcrap.

  24. @Marge Wood — Bushie may have bombed the countries with banks that didn’t like him in the Middle East, but if their names were JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, or Wells Fargo — he gave ’em a big ol’ wet kiss and told them to keep up the good work (kinda like Brownie).

  25. If Obama manages to do the get-the-chemical-weapons-in-Syria-under-control by diplomacy with the UN and other countries, and avoids the attack on Syria, I will take back everything I ever said about Obama wanting to hang for Bush’s crimes. I thought that was his great ambition, to be a fall guy for the Bush regime, but maybe it’s not. I mean, you never can tell with people, you know?
