The Train Is Going Off The Cliff And Ben Carson Asks For a Woman’s Microphone To Be Cut Off

October 14, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, y’all.

Judeo-Christian values on display —


Gee, if only Donald Trump had thought of that in the last debate.

Thanks to DavidĀ for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Train Is Going Off The Cliff And Ben Carson Asks For a Woman’s Microphone To Be Cut Off”

  1. sad diluted man

  2. Well, he may not have gotten her mic cut off, but for damned sure I am speechless!

  3. 1smartcanerican says:

    I knew there was a good reason I didn’t watch this idiot this morning and changed the channel. Why he is even on a talk show to share his thoughts is beyond me. Just another man who believes he is so far above a woman, or anyone is his case. After all, anyone who has a painting of himself and Jesus highlighted in his home has some serious mental issues!

  4. Mansplaining at its bestXXXXworst.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Dr. Mental Ben doesn’t do mornings either. Most patients with his condition(s) usually have times of day that are more coherent than others. Not Ben; he wakes up asleep.

  6. Once again a person like Carson says something that makes me really glad to be an atheist.

  7. Loved seeing them stand up to the bullying.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    With all of that “education” Dr. Stabby and you didn’t learn good manners? You were a guest on their show. You don’t dictate to anyone. GOT IT?!!

    Echoing others here.. why is this LOSER on TV?

  9. When he said “teach our Judeo-Christian values,” all I could think of was Lot telling the rapist mob outside his house that no, they couldn’t have his two houseguests, but he was happy to throw his daughters out the door. And this is the good guy in town, according to the book. Probably according to this fool too.

    Second on 1smartcanerican and Jan.

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    My head/brain is just reeling!! Ben Carson’s little Lionel train left the tracks long, long ago!!

  11. Meant to put that on the other UK post…oops.

  12. Hush that woman up so we guys can talk about this…what a jerk.

  13. slipstream says:

    Yeah, well, the train is going off the cliff.

    Bye-bye, train!

  14. (Transitive sexual verb) Judaeo-Christian values! Have you ever actually read the Koran of these people? It’s horrible.

    How about some evolutionary psychology “augmented tit-for-tat” or cooperation structure advantage.

    Don’t need no skygod moralities. Too hard to amend.

  15. Mental Ben is now running neck and neck with Darrell Issa for the Thug Award of the year. At the end of a hearing as Issa got up to leave, Isiah Cummings, a Congressman from Maryland, still had questions that Issa did not want his committee to hear so he reached across Isiah and turned off the man’s mic. And nobody standing around Issa tried to stop him in any way. Sexism and racism and fraternal twins. I am sure of that now.

  16. Whoops! That was Elijah Cummings! Either way, Issa still turns out to be an ass!

  17. “The train is going off the cliff!”

    Yes it is Ben, yes it is. I couldn’t have described the situation any better myself.

  18. So mental Ben is another misogynistic idiot in the ff (f**kface) campaign. So what’s new? All that being said, he’s one of the better reps for ff.

  19. This nut didn’t fall far from the tree.

    Mental Ben showed more stamina during an exchange telling the ‘little woman’ to shut up and begging that her mic be cut off than he did throughout his own entire campaign.

  20. Tilphousia says:

    Heard that interview (?). Poor ole Ben asked twice to have Mics turned off. He is just as delusional as ever. One must feel a certain sympathy for his former patients.

  21. Is this the train you mean?

  22. Sure gets you thinking all over again about what kind of president Gentle Ben would make.
