Thank You, Britain and Kindergarten Teachers

October 14, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They pretty much summed it up perfectly —-



And if we needed any proof that the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree, Donald Trump, Jr., offered his suggestion for women being sexually harassed in the workplace – go teach kindergarten.

You really need to read the whole mess, but here’s an outtake.

“If you can’t handle some of the basic stuff that’s become a problem in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce. Like, you should go maybe teach kindergarten. I think it’s a respectable position.

“You can’t be negotiating billion-dollar deals if you can’t handle, like, you know,” Trump said, without elaborating.

I am so delighted that he finds kindergarten teacher “a respectful position”  because my Aunt Tilly taught kindergarten and she could send that little jerk home with his winkie in his wallet.  What a little snot.



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0 Comments to “Thank You, Britain and Kindergarten Teachers”

  1. Annabelle Lee says:

    The sooner this whole mentally deficient shitshow of a “family” disappears into well-deserved obscurity, the better.

  2. I second that, Annabelle Lee. If there was a shadow of a doubt about hair Drumpf’s sexist attitude, here it is in living proof.
    Can imagine what Dear Old Dad imparted to his sons.

  3. I feel like that no matter how deep their image and brand is buried, they will rise up like zombies again, either on their own or with lots of deplorable help.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Donnie II – go home and search for your DD214. I’ll round up some women for you who CAN produce theirs. Oh, and don’t chip a nail searching, Donnie II.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    I smell the stink of insecurity and inadequacy with this guy. Anyone else smell it?

  6. Well, there’s another lie Clinton told, however inadvertently: when asked to say something nice about Trump, she said he could be proud of his kids. Sad thing is that he probably is, in this case.

    And the mouth on that profile needs to be higher up, right under the tail.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    You know there is someone out there somewhere filming a porn flick about this election. This is what wingnut politics has brought to us.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, Hilz didn’t lie. His kids are the nicest thing that can be said about Donnie. That doesn’t mean it’s a “good” thing. She simply left out the clarification: the big rat spawned little rats.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    Like Daddy Dearest was such and expert at this: “You can’t be negotiating billion-dollar deals if you can’t handle, like, you know,” Trump said, without elaborating.
    The Idiot Son can’t even speak in coherent sentences … just like dear old Dad!
    All of this blithering babble makes my brain go numb!!

  10. Put this on the wrong post originally, but I don’t want you to miss it. Another hat tip to the UK.

  11. The a****le does not fall far from the tree.

  12. 538 had this interesting bit regarding how much the orange-atang’s employees love him:

    “22,450. Estimated number of people employed at Donald Trump’s companies. Only a dozen have contributed more than $200 to his campaign. Maybe he’s just such a great boss that his employees can’t stand to see him leave them for the presidency.”

  13. They aren’t going to fade into the woodwork. Junior is 38 years old, father of 5 kids in 7 years, there is an entire 3rd generation in the wings. I am pretty sure you will see his entry into politics in future, possibly challenging Kirstin Gillibrand in 2018. I don’t see him running for Congress, not important enough

  14. If he does challenge Kirsten Gellibrand, he will be in for one helluva surprise. She may look all blond and pink and blue, but whoa nelly! She’s a fighter.

  15. WA Skeptic says:

    If this yahoo wasn’t the spoiled son of another spoiled kid who has money (maybe) he’d be installing tires or flipping burgers.

  16. Aggieland Liz says:

    Rhea, here I was thinking that poor ol’ pachyderm had a fatal case of hemorrhoids, but it’s actually rectal prolapse! It needs to be put out of its misery, don’t ya think?

  17. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I like to see him on a work detail at Riker’s Island and see how he handles some of the abuse in that workplace.

  18. On behalf of Kindergarten teachers everywhere, may I suggest that Donald Jr. wouldn’t last a half day trying to teach young children. He doesn’t have the smarts or the stamina.

  19. AKLynne, that’s a great score by Danny Elfman. I was imagining the spark from Jaws, but this is even better. Thanks for the link.

  20. “’You can’t be negotiating billion-dollar deals if you can’t handle, like, you know,’ Trump said, without elaborating.”

    Um. Where to start?

    Junior can’t say the words, “sexual harassment” and he believes women are the weaker sex.

    Still, what do you want to bet he has no trouble saying “grab her p***y in the company of his daddy behind closed doors.

  21. Tilphousia says:

    Oh my! Obviously little Drumpf didn’t have a kindergarten teacher able to speak. If a 38 year old male (?) is unable to complete a simple declarative sentence then it is probablely an uneducated lout. Wonder where any of the spawn would be without daddy’s phantom wealth. Wonder where they will end up when all the money, all the trappings of wealth go up in smoke. Cause that is what happens when your foundation is built on quicksand.

  22. Lunargent says:

    Right after the convention, I posted that Donald Jr. might have a real career as a politician. But that was based on watching him deliver a scripted speech. Turns out that when it comes to thinking on his feat and reacting, Jr. has feet and a tongue of lead. All his dad’s deplorable ideas, and none of his motormouth wiliness.

    Eric? Guess what. Don’s the smart, articulate one. I predict Eric will spend most of his life as a classic Rich Kid middle child, undergoing probation and probably rehab. He seems utterly devoid of any exceptional qualities.

    Ivanka should do well, if she concentrates on business and avoids politics.

    Tiffany is my frontrunner for breaking with the family and publishing a tell-all book.

    And Barron? Hard to say. But every time I see him, I think of Damien in that horror movie – gotta go look it up.

  23. Lunargent says:

    Here we go – it’s “The Omen”.….0…

  24. so, Mr. Trump has a purportedly adult son who talks like a 16 year-old “Valley Girl”. impressive.
