THE Tape

April 18, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, the pee tape may actually exist.

Click the little one to see the big one.


Has anybody asked Cohen about it?


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0 Comments to “THE Tape”

  1. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Not as if that’s a surprise. That behavior’s true to Type.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Who said the Russians are humorless? Rtskhiladze: “Stopped flow of tapes from Russia…” Follow the flow. Translations can be tricky, but pee tapes or flow tapes, please with all the powers vested in the flying spaghetti monster please do not show us tapes revealing IQ4.5’s shortcomings.

  3. Is there a tape? Is a tape even needed to get Trump dancing like a puppet on a string?

    He’s probably engaged in compromising activities so often, the Russians only needed to suggest they have a recording in their possession. The question for Trump is, which one?

    Dance fat boy, dance.

  4. maryelle says:

    Where are the Michael Cohen tapes? Are they included in the supporting evidence? Are they being used in another court case? Who has them?

  5. Sandridge says:

    Speaking of Russians, have a look at this (photoshopped of course) picture of two Brokeback best buddies trotting down the trail on a bay mare.

    (be sure and look -before- having your supper…)

  6. maryelle says:

    Ewwwww! Sandridge, that is worse than the picture of Ted Cruz in his smoking jacket. I need a brain rinse.

  7. Sandridge says:

    maryelle, Far far worse than DetesTed. :]
    It had the same effect on me, figured I needed a muriatic acid brain rinse after looking at it (muriatic and chlorine at ‘shock’ levels will wipe out the nastiest critters in murky pool/swamp water).

    I’m hoping that JJ might pick it up and publish it on a Salon thread (or add it to this one). Might as well gross out the whole Salon menagerie.

  8. Jill Ann says:

    My daughter works at the Barnes & Noble in River Oaks. She said Ted Cruz came into the store the other day, with one of his daughters. My kid was just coming back off a break so she didn’t have to wait on him, which was good because she wasn’t sure she could have been polite. But good news, HIS daughter didn’t seem afraid of, or repulsed by, him this time.

  9. If Ted Cruz’s daughters are no longer repulsed by him, do we know for sure that they haven’t been replaced by pod people, as in Invasion of the Body Snatchers?
