The Supremes

November 07, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Justices Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh decided it would be a great idea to meet privately with some folks who sponsor and ferment hate.



The man on the far right of the picture (and also in real life) is Brian S Brown, founder of the National Organization for Marriage.  The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies another of Brown’s anti-LGBTQ groups as a hate group.  His NOM group rallies across the country fear mongering against marriage equality.

So a photo of Brown with two Supreme Court Justices is troubling, especially since the Court is currently considering three cases related to LGBTQ rights: Bostock v. Clayton County, Altitude Express v. Zarda, and R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC. NOM filed amicus briefs in those cases, asking the Court to reject LGBTQ equality.

These two judges should recuse themselves on those cases. They won’t.

It’s so much more fun to flaunt it in our faces and shove their hate down our throats.

Thanks to Kary for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “The Supremes”

  1. And yet people are still delusional enough to beleive these ideological hacks won’t bend, twist and outright break the law to protect demented donnie?
    US v. Nixon is history.

  2. No doubt it’s loads of fun for them.
    But make no mistake.
    These f**kers are supreme Court justices.
    They’re all about precedent.
    And these f**king unamerican douchebags are as happy as pigs in shit to pervert accepted laws for precedent that benefits the rich

  3. “They’re all about precedent.”
    Just making precedent while ignoring it whenever they get a whim in pursuit of an ideological agenda.
    From Shelby Cty on Voting rights to Heller, and citizens United this group of dishonest jurists have no concern for any precedent that does not allow their political and financial masters to run wild in pursuit of nihilistic destruction in the name of profits.

  4. their respective state bars could threaten them with disbarment, for failing to recuse themselves, as the NY State Bar recently did to AG Barr, if he directly/indirectly involved himself with the impeachment investigations. we’ll see.

  5. OK. That was gruesome. And so early in the morning!

  6. If state bars won’t disbar the present insult to justice Barr who would they disbar?
    Since the state bar did not disbar scalia, thomas and oconnor in 2000 because of conflicts of interest (scalia son worked for g.w. law firm argueing the case, thomas’s wife worked for g.w. and was on transition team, oconnor was quoted on election eve that she wanted to retire but wouldn’t if gore won) why would they disbar them for anything.
    No expecting ethics from an organization that large that has spawned the federalist society is a false dream of fools gold.
