Two Million Dollars UPDATE

November 07, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, well, well, the walls are moving in.  Trump and his bambinos were just ordered by a New York judge to pay $2 million for “persistent” violations of charities law.  The money will merrily dance its way into a fund for real charities.

Filed in June 2018, the lawsuit alleged that the President and his three eldest children — Don Jr., Ivanka and Eric — violated federal and state campaign finance laws and abused the Donald J. Trump Foundation’s tax-exempt status. According to the lawsuit, the Trumps allowed the foundation to be used “as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests.”

Honey, Honey, Honey, the whole damn government operates as little more than a checkbook for Trump’s business and political interests.

The story is just breaking so there is more to come.  Enjoy! You’ve earned it.

UPDATE:  Here’s some more background.  Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen says that he would have loved to have been in the room when Trump found out he had to give money to the United Negro College Fund!

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0 Comments to “Two Million Dollars UPDATE”

  1. ‘I get no lawyer’: Trump goes into full meltdown mode — falsely claims open impeachment inquiry hearings are a ‘trial’

    President Donald Trump is in full meltdown mode. Thursday morning the man purported to be the leader of the free world, the post powerful person to hold elected office in this country, tweeted witness testimony in the House open impeachment inquiry hearings slated to begin next week are a “trial.”

    They are not.

    The trial takes place in the Senate, assuming the House passes articles of impeachment and Majority Leader Mitch MCConnell allows the Senate trial to proceed. The President also claimed his due process rights and right to an attorney are being denied.

    They are not.

    This is not a criminal trial and as president Trump has no special rights. The President also claimed the witnesses who will appear before Congress are “Never Trumpers.”

    They are not.

  2. consurge populi (stand up people)

    The real reasons Democrats want open impeachment hearings
    “The importance of public hearings is to make the case to the American people,” a Democratic lawmaker said.

  3. The Surly Professor` says:

    But, but … Trump said last year that he would *never* settle this case and would fight it out all the way. So surely all the news media, the court clerk, the lawyers, and the judge are mistaken.

    OT: Jeff Sessions is thinking of running to become Senator from Alabama, and Trump said he would oppose him. So now we have to choose who we want to lose in that race. [Not really: we want both of them to be wiped out].

  4. Fake charity expenses?
    What other phony deductions will we discover once his tax returns are handed over?
    There’s gonna be a lot of penalties and interest in those pages.

  5. JJ, the link “to pay $2 million” is funky — it tries to log me into your wordpress account.

    Otherwise, it’s SO nice to see them chickens coming home to roost, ain’t it?

  6. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Thanks, Ex Tex, I think I have it fixed now. Lotsa breaking news today and I think I have to fix it all.

  7. Wait until we see him use “campaign” fund raiser to pay this off or a check from the RNC.
    He has used the RNC in the same way a his so called foundation.
    Uses it to pay hush money to departing staffers and to juice the income of his properties with tax free money.

  8. Karen in New Mexico says:

    Dumpo is in meltdown. Remember how the Wicked Witch just melted away when Dorothy splashed her in the face with water? We need a Dorothy with or without her ruby red slippers and her little dog Toto.

  9. $42 thousand for a Tim Tebow helmet and portraits of Nero now worth 972 bucks, est. A cheap hood wetting his beak with stolen charity funds paying for crap, gaudy and tasteless toys.

  10. Update:
    Memo to CINC et al. @ xxxx GMT re: oil fields Stand Down, Bitch… End Memo.
    Trump: We should keep Syria’s oil. The Pentagon: Nope.
    “The revenue from this is not going to the US. This is going to the SDF,” the top Pentagon spokesperson said.

    Edit: Following President Donald Trump’s abrupt announcement early last month that nearly all US troops would be withdrawing from northeastern Syria — effectively abandoning America’s Kurdish allies in the region — he reversed course, announcing that US troops would be staying in Syria after all. Only now, their mission was to secure oil fields in other parts of the country.

    And Trump was clear about who that oil would belong to: “We’re keeping the oil — remember that,” he told a gathering of Chicago police officers in late October. “I’ve always said that: ‘Keep the oil.’ We want to keep the oil. Forty-five million dollars a month? Keep the oil.”

    Unfortunately for Trump, it seems the US military isn’t so keen on that idea — perhaps because stealing Syria’s oil could constitute a war crime.

    On Thursday, the Pentagon’s top spokesperson told reporters in no uncertain terms that the US would not be keeping any of the revenue from those oil fields.

    First, Trump has repeatedly said he wants to get out of wars in the Middle East. Last month, he vowed to withdraw all 1,000 troops from Syria, saying that the situation there wasn’t America’s problem anymore. “Let someone else fight over this long-bloodstained sand,” the president said during a White House speech on October 23.
    Yet just a few days later, Trump changed his mind, apparently deciding that fighting in the Middle East is worth it as long as you get some sweet oil revenue out of the deal.

    And now, it seems the US isn’t actually getting any oil revenue out of the deal after all — which means Trump’s main reason for deciding to keep troops in the US once again makes no sense whatsoever…. Simply amazing.

    read more:

  11. Linda Phipps says:

    K – i thought that as well. Before his election I had already opined that he looks at the US Treasury as his piggy bank. I join Hillary in being “right all along”.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    Brother Pierce over at Esquire has pointed out one aspect of this that otherwise would have just slipped past me:

    “Let’s just pause for a moment in this marvelously chaotic time of ours and ponder the reality that the President* of the United States stipulated in a courtroom on Thursday that he looted a fcking charity for his own political purposes.”

    And one of the groups looted includes the Event For Veterans in Iowa. Pierce’s main point, however, is that this is just another Thursday in Trump-land.
