The Sound You Hear is Congress Sucking Air
There was a ruling today saying that a congressman’s right to privacy does not trump the public’s right to know about possible criminal behavior. You would think that would be written down somewhere but it’s not.
The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington won a lawsuit today to Federal District Court against former Senator John Ensign (R-NV) being able to keep secret his tawdry little affair with a former campaign staffer who was then married to his Chief of Staff.
You probably recall that Ensign asked Clinton to resign after the Lewinsky affair because Clinton “has no credibility left.” Ensign touted his membership in the Foursquare Pentecostal Church and how he was against same sex marriage because marriage was so sacred and everything.
I mean, Honey, you could have seen this fall coming a mile off. Nobody gets that sanctimonious without something to hide.
So Ensign gets caught doing the wild thing with his Chief of Staff’s wife and then spent taxpayer time and money trying to cover it up.
The ethics committee referred the case to DOJ for a further investigation, but the department declined to prosecute Sen. Ensign, instead prosecuting only the former chief of staff, Doug Hampton. DOJ refused to provide any records, claiming Sen. Ensign’s privacy interests trumped the public’s right to know.
I’m happy to report to you that this is the fourth such case that CREW has won. I know it’s Ensign who lives is Vegas but it’s CREW who is on a roll.
There is a simple solution here: if you are in congress, behave yourself and also remember this simple rule: pigs get fat but hogs get slaughtered.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.