Go Ahead, Rick, Pick a Fight You Can’t Win

August 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Rick Perry just got on my last nerve.

Rick went to Missouri and got himself tossed off the radio for dissing Missouri.  Then he takes about the Governor of Missouri personally.  So, Missouri decides to issue a list of Why Missouri is Better Than Texas.  (1) We can read in Missouri.  (2) Harry Truman / George Bush.  (3)  That whole “oops” thing.  (4)  Ted Cruz.  ‘Nuff said.  (5)  Real paved roads.  (Those weren’t the real reason; I was just making suggestions.)

The Democratic Governor of Missouri put on his nicest voice and said —

“I’ve been at this a long time and I certainly respect people’s rights to say what they want and to try to attract attention to themselves when they’re not going to run anymore so there will be some level of attention around them to try to make themselves relevant to the political discourse, and they’re entitled to do that,” he said.

Rick, Honey, he just kneecapped you.

You’re a punch line, Rick.  Come home and get back in the attic.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Meanwhile, back at the Texas Governor’s rent house.  Thanks to Burnt Orange Report for the Pinterest interest!

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0 Comments to “Go Ahead, Rick, Pick a Fight You Can’t Win”

  1. Wyatt_Earl says:

    When you can’t create businesses, you’ve got no choice but to try to steal somebody else’s.

  2. When did it become the norm to go to OTHER states and try to con….oh, I mean convince…..people to start businesses or seek employment in YOUR state. Especially when you have NOTHING to offer???

  3. Rick Perry, Ted Cruz and Louie Gohmert are three good reasons why Texas should increase its efforts to keep their village idiots within the town limits and not have them running about the country unless they have an adult with them.

  4. I am tempted to point out that Missouri knows a carpetbagger when it sees one even if he is a Southerner but….

    Nixon is a class act, our legislature is certifiably nuts but the Gov is a good guy who does his best to rein them in.

    I like your list, might I add, Mark Twain, Josephine Baker, Scott Joplin, Walter Cronkite, Walt Disney, and T.S. Eliot?

    But mostly I think it is a wash, you have Goemert, we had Akin, you have Cruz we have Blunt. Then again,you have Perry, Abbott…….

    I take it back, sorry.

  5. Mike in MO says:

    Rick Perry seems to have brought a whiffle ball bat to a hardball game. The results are predictable.

  6. mike from iowa says:

    So,is Gov. Greaseball renting out the Gov’s mansion and pocketing the rent checks? Would not surprise me. Probably believes it is a perk he is “entitled” to. Probably gets the lege to reimburse his 10 grand a month rent as well.

  7. Nothing but the best for Gov. Do-nothing.
    He obviously thinks highly of himself.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Haven’t the Perrys moved back into the guv’s mansion yet? I thought they had, not that I ever see them. Or is this like a garage sale or something of leftovers from the rent house?

  9. Marge Wood says:

    And that picture of Rick Perry, I think we all oughta have a moment of embarrassed silence while he composes himself. I hope he got his meds straightened out. Bless his heart.

  10. austinhatlady says:

    First time I saw that particular picture, the word to occurred to me was “demonic.” I shiver whenever I see it. Ironically, that picture was taken at the big revival meeting in Houston organized by Perry, if memory serves.

  11. Aggieland liz says:

    *snort* @Austinhatlady, was that the 2011 prayer- meetin’ at the Brown Convention Ctr where he was running for Prez based on his ability to generate rain??!

  12. What do you mean, “Come home and get back in the attic?” You mean, get back in the closet? Lol. Not that there’s anything wrong with that……

  13. austinhatlady says:

    Yes, Aggieland Liz, I do believe you are correct as to time and place!
