The Republican Party of Texas – Self-Righteous Extremism in the Pursuit of Middle Class Warfare

June 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I don’t even know where to start.  I’ll hit the highlights and you guys can pick up the things I miss.

They favor no taxes whatsodamnever, except a national sales tax which hurts the middle class the most.  They want to repeal the 16th amendment and the Paris Hilton tax.  They also want to repeal property taxes and all licensing fees.

We urge the income tax, capital gains tax, estate tax, and all other tax reductions be made permanent. The death tax is immoral and should be abolished forever.

They want to return to the Gold Standard.

They want to privatize social security, so that Bernie Madoff can go back into business.

They oppose education.  I really don’t know any other way to put it.    They oppose multicultural education, critical thinking, and even mentioning evolution and climate change.  They do, however, support beating children in school.

They are not big on marriage either.  They only want something called “Covenant marriage.”  They want to repeal no-fault divorce and don’t even mention the “gay” word around them because it makes them frisky.  “We affirm that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family unit.”  And this, “We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal and moral commitment only between a natural man and a natural woman, which is the foundational unit of a healthy society, and we oppose the assault on marriage by judicial activists.”  They spend a whoooole lotta time talking about the gays.

They want to eliminate executive orders, but are apt to change their mind if a tea party candidate is ever elected.

They want Karl Rove to become a tax-exempt church.  And, they want to do weird things in church, tax free.  “We urge amendment of the Internal Revenue Code to allow a religious organization to address issues without fear of losing its tax-exempt status. We call for repeal of requirements that religious organizations send the government any personal information about their contributors.” However, in the next breath, “We support full disclosure of the amounts and sources of any campaign contributions to political candidates, whether contributed by individuals, political action committees, or other entities.”  A page later, “We call for the Republican members of the Texas House of Representatives to convene in caucus after each November general election to determine by secret ballot…”  Make up your damn mind, you fools!

They want to put the Ten Commandments any damn place they want to.

They are fixing to make American English the “official language of Texas.”  Holy cow, nobody here will be able to talk.

They demand that human health care be only between a person and their doctor with no government interference, unless, of course the human happens to be female.  They also oppose the Morning After pill and RU-486.  They also oppose stem cell research.

They want to beat up women who try to enter an abortion clinic, “We urge repeal of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Law.”

Oh hell, I’m only half way through.

Again, they want to beat the hell out of their kids, “We support eliminating bureaucratic prohibitions on corporal discipline and home schooling in foster homes.”  They also want their kids to get sick and give it to your kid, “All adult citizens should have the legal right to conscientiously choose which vaccines are administered to themselves or their minor children without penalty for refusing a vaccine.”

So far, all I’ve figured out is that they want to beat up women and children, buy heavy artillery, not pay their taxes, and get to shove Jesus Christ down your throat.

Cripes.  I have to stop for a while.

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