The Rats

August 17, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I gotta say, with the beautiful perfect indictments handed down in Georgia last week, making old timers vividly remember General Sherman coming through Georgia, the best part may be the recent photos of the indicted people facing mandatory prison time if they are convicted.  Honey, most of them look like they just opened the Ark of the Covenant.   

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life, like eating tamales anywhere north of Dallas, hit an elevator button five or six times thinking that would piss off a slow elevator, signed a contract by neon light, and shared my deepest darkest secrets with an Arabian prince who contacted me by email to leave me his estate when he said he was going to die the next week. 

But  even I know that when you’re a Trump elections official in Georgia, you don’t send a written damn invitation to Trump’s buttdumb attorneys to help you facilitate a breach of the voting systems you oversee. I would say, “How dumb can you be?” but these guys would see that as a challenge.

Here’s my center of attention: I wanna know more about the unindicted co-conspirators rats in Georgia.  The Daily Beast has some ideas.

It just so happens that their guess for #1 is the same as mine.  Tom Fitton, the Darth Vader of Judicial Watch. I guess ole Tom had to flip because prison jumpsuits don’t come in size 12 year old boy.  Tom thinks his tight shirts are a turn on to the church ladies and maybe he’s right because men in chains would certainly appeal to them.

Go on over to Google to run an image search for Tom.  Or don’t.  He’s a mess.

While it would be fun watching him in the weight room of a Georgia prison, his ability to flip on Trump and Giuliani might be worth missing that particular visual punishment.




0 Comments to “The Rats”

  1. I hope he didn’t think that photo was appealing. He looks like some sort of inflated balloon.

  2. Oh, I think the “unindicted” ones have that status because they have already spilled their guts to kindly Miss Fani. Whether they will have to testify to stay “unindicted” is the question. I’m sure looking at the cost of defending themselves on their own dime was a factor.

    Repubs look stoopid because they are. This is old news.

  3. Why is Tom wearing a bulletproof shirt underneath his button down shirt?

  4. Is he like The Incredible Hulk, who’s whole shirt rips open when grows angry, but oddly, not his pants?

  5. I did the google search you suggested and you’re right–his shirts are AWFUL. I can only think he must be an idiot.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I think his photo above and on Wikipedia looks like he’s trying to hide the fact that he needs to pass some foul smelling hot air. He probably does a lot of that leading Judicial Watch.

  7. Harry Eagar says:

    Time to resurrect the greatest lede in the history of Georgia newspapers:

    If all the investigations of the Georgia prison system were laid end-to-end, a lot of whitewash would be spilled.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    I haven’t tasted these (yet), and am not advocating their purchase, but you can buy indict-a-mints:

    I love how the internet quickly enables this sort of thing. By comparison it took months to get Spiro T. Agnew watches on the market back in the 1970s.

    [Nope, I’m not an up-to-date, with-it sort of old guy. I just have students that are and occasionally keep me posted.]

  9. Jeffery Clark, part of Trump’s indictment, standing in his driveway, in his underwear:

  10. I don’t know. He looks like he’s “compensating” for something…

  11. John J McCullough says:

    Called steroids, normal people don’t use, Tommie Roid, Donnie, Marge…ARE ON STEROIDS! DRUGS! But ok for them, right Arnie, if it’s under doctor care? Couldn’t smoke pot for ever, Ronnie Jackson Dr. Feel Good?

  12. Ralph Wiggam says:

    The answer to the question “How dumb can you be?” is “Hold my beer!”
