The Position, My Friend, is Blowing in the Wind

October 28, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Marco Rubio has begun to look like a small dog rubbing up and down on Ted Cruz’s leg doing you know what.

Rubio has now decided that he’s against his own immigration reform.

Once loudly supportive of sweeping immigration reform, Rubio had a Come To Ted meeting and —

220px-Marco_Rubio,_Official_Portrait,_112th_CongressThe ambitious Florida senator saw his standing diminish among conservative voters after he supported the Senate bill. Opposing conference on the Senate bill leaves little, if any, room to pass reform through a divided Congress as the broad coalitions that hold together the Senate legislation would splinter if any major components are excluded.

How’s that refusal to work bipartisan working out for you, Marco?  Public Policy Polling, October 3rd, 2013.

Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 11.38.09 AM

So, Marco, you’re not planning on running in Florida again?

On the pendalum factor, Rubio scores about a wall to wall 15.


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