The Optics

May 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here is a bunch of old white guys strutting up to the Oval Office to congratulate themselves for a trillion dollar tax cut to the wealthiest 2%.  Oh yeah, and they dropped health care for 24 million Americans.

And there’s Ole Louie Gohmert right at the head of this death panel.


Home Grown Terrorists.


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0 Comments to “The Optics”

  1. My sainted mother demanded that if I couldn’t say something nice I shouldn’t say anything. I can’t stand to say nothing, so… That fossil standing next to crazy Louie sure is tall!

  2. Zyxomma says:

    I heard they had a party bus and a kegger, too.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie served Bud Light. Apparently he likes his beer the same as his extracurricular showers.

  4. Catherine Rampell has a good column in the WashPost pointing out that there is no longer such a creature as a “moderate Republican”:

    As well as putting someone who doesn’t believe in birth control in chage of birth control policy, Donnie has just put someone who doesn’t believe in renewable energy in charge of renewable energy policy.

    It’s long passed the point where it would be a joke if it weren’t tragic.

    Anyone who says “I don’t vote (or it doesn’t matter how I vote) because they’re all the same” should have the ignorance smacked out of them.

  5. What they are all really congratulating themselves about is that they separated their healthcare from being limited to the exchanges. Sigh.

  6. The GOP all have the same preexisting conditions: smugness, pronounced lack of human decency, and uncontrolled greed.

  7. Beststash says:

    I called Balke Farentgold (Dist. 27) today and told his phone screener that I thought his vote for the GOP Healthcare Bill was the most ignorant and disrespectful thing I could imagine. I will do everything possible to make sure he is not re-elected. Long overdue.

  8. That’s my rep Roger Williams leaning over the desk. What a loser.

  9. In 100 days Trump has turned the Oval Office into the Oh-oh Office. It’s like the Haunted House on Halloween, in reverse. Everyone going in and everything coming out is scary. The people most frightened are those of us standing in line, watching.

  10. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Beststash, Keep your fingers crossed. Blake’s district may be one on the ones subject to redistricting.

  11. Funny this exciting new improved health care banquet is not being tasted first by the cooks. They didn’t even want a tiny sample so they excluded themselves from coverage. We may forgive, but we should never forget, and we need to rededicate ourselves to getting rid of these bozos.

  12. CNN has a piece today that opines that 20 snacilbupeR endangered their sweet little elected office and all its perks by voting for this bill. Interestingly my useless congress-varmint is one of the 20. I hope enough people stay irritated enough about this and the other things he does to turn him out in November 2018.

  13. oldymoldy says:

    Well, at least they all have their lapel pins!

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Micr, it’s all about focus, as in keeping the bright lights shining on those cockroaches. The All Hail Cheeto’s Acrimony (AHCA) is just the beginning. Lyin’ Ryan has a few more legislative blunders on his wish list to goad and gall voters to the polls in 2018. Cleaning house in TX will be sweet. Cleaning Ryan out of the House will be even sweeter. Snatching a few Senate seats out of Yertle McTurdle’s hands, even sweeter.

  15. @Jane & PKM

    Sessions is my varmint. Don’t know whether to believe this piece or not. Sessions has homesteaded his seat and I expected him to die in it at a rip old age. Maybe he is vulnerable. Hope so.

  16. And just when on of my (much) older friends says wellll sonny what’s that new health plan NOT gonna cover?? Eh sonny??, who but CNN should pop up with with a list they say is kinda sorta semi-definitive!


    BTW Pregnancy is on the least. Cause after all pregnancy is as another reporter called it, a “pricey medical luxury”. No Donald your Viagra/Cialis/Levitra stacks are pricey medical luxuries!

  17. maggie says:

    God! what cockiness especially when they know for a fact that the Senate is going to make confetti out of their little bill!

  18. Sandridge says:

    These sleazy, lyin’, cheatin’, lowdown vermin actually EXEMPTED themselves from their own friggin’ abomination of a healthcare bill (AHCA) for the peons, and grandfathered themselves with the AHA-OBAMACARE plans.
    Kind of obvious which is the better (of a still bad lot: we simply need a universal coverage, single-payer healthcare system, call it whatever you like).
    I can’t wait to see and hear ‘Squealer’ Spicer spinning this crap chitsandwich. (“four legs good, two legs better”)
    As far as ‘Old Major’, the last few images I’ve seen of him on the teevee and web, his weird hair is an ever yuckier shade of deeper orange. WTF does he do to that dead animal skin on his cranium? I’ll bet it stinks too.

    And anyway, anybody who drinks “Bud Light” deserves to rot in Hades…with a permanent hangover.

  19. JAKvirginia says:

    Embiggen the photo. To the right of CJ’s head. The phone. Is the red button the “bring-me-a-Coke” button?

    And, yes, the members of Congress are exempt from all of the new AHCA restrictions. And we all subsidize THEIR health care costs! SWEET!

    When do they start handing out the coronets and royal titles?

  20. WA Skeptic says:

    I’d say “Shame on them”, but then I’d have to define “Shame” and I don’t think they’d understand it.

    #ITMFA-and vote out the rest of them.

  21. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge, it’s a seasonal change. With the warmer weather apparently his showering ‘assistants’ aren’t drinking enough water, hence the greater orange cast to the ‘hair’ hue.

  22. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM,
    eeeuuuwwwwwwww…although even if Putie had and released pictures, it wouldn’t bother the hard-core Repukes.

  23. Tilphousia says:

    Nice to finally see them called terrorists now just add murderers and voilá! Complete thought.

  24. Jane & PKM says:

    Sandridge, given their hubris and hypocrisy for what the snacilbupeR can swallow, their repugnant antennae are obviously reserved for “others” and not their “own.” Will just throw out a few names, as not to waste your time and Mrs. B’s bandwidth. Gingrich, Hastert, Vitter, Sanford, … to name a mere few. All hail the sky puppy “*I* am forgiven. Those of you who are not white males and snacilbupeR, not so much.”
