Ashes to Asses

May 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, if I thought any of them had a heart, I’d do this.


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0 Comments to “Ashes to Asses”

  1. My little bride and I previously made the end of life decision to be cremated, for a number of reasons. I prefer alkaline hydrolysis over fire but no crematorium can deal with something as complicated as lye and hot water. 🙁

    My kids think Pops ashes in a Bourbon bottle on the mantle is a bit gross so in the end my boys agreed to take my ashes and spread them on a ridge we all loved on the Navajo Nation near Four Corners.

  2. Sam in St Paul says:

    I think the country would be better off if we could have the ashes of the Representative of our choice shipped to us. I get Paul Ryan.

  3. TrulyTexan says:

    @sam, you will have a big line in which to stand.

  4. Sam in St. Paul: May I recommend a nearby Port-o-Let for final disposal? Porcelain is too good for them.

  5. maggie says:

    Wow! Why didn’t I think of this!

  6. Now I have a mental image of someone receiving Louie Gohmert’s ashes and… remember that scene in Annie Hall when Woody Allen is holding someone’s open snuffbox of expensive cocaine, and he sneezes? Like that, but without the expensive part.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Having their ashes in a box like a beloved pet is too good for those Congress varmints. Their heads on pikes has a certain appeal…

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    Um… “if” TrumpCare kills you? Puh-leeze. More like “when”. And Donnie? Nice of you to admire Australia’s universal health care. Shame you couldn’t copy it here. Too many big words in it?

    But I love that they’re calling it TrumpCare! An albatross around your neck is not covered though. Sorry.

  9. Tilphousia says:

    Like the ashes part. But a nice cheap urinal is about what they deserve.

  10. two crows says:

    They could have avoided having this named ‘Trumpcare’ hung on it. All they would have had to do was not call the ACA ‘Obamacare.’

    But noooooo — they had to make a big to-do about it; swear to take it down because “That Darkie” got it passed — and they couldn’t have THAT!

    So now they get this albatross complete with its inevitable nickname attached.

    Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch.

  11. I’d be worried Republicans would mix the cremations with cement, form them into bricks, & build the Mexican border wall with them. They use us every other way they can.

  12. I’ll send mine to my depraved, heartless, shameful, compassion-free, coc** holster (thank you Stephen Colbert), Jason Loser, Minnesota District 2.

  13. maryelle says:

    My ashes are to be sprinkled under the raspberry bushes in my backyard so the birds and deer can enjoy the fruits of my demise. I would, however, have second thoughts about sprinkling Republican ashes there: biohazardous.

  14. UmptyDump says:

    No cremation for me. Just drive my carcass up to Paul Ryan’s home in Janesville and dump it on his doorstep to decompose.

  15. Linda Phipps says:

    Umpty Dump, I like your line of thinking. I had been thinking along the lines of praying that all republicans (they don’t deserve a capital letter) would rot, before they are dead. They are playing chess with pacheesi men and Monopoly tokens.
