The Only Was Was Who?

April 10, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

All across this country, state legislatures are trying to enact bills that make abortion punishable by the death penalty.

It finally hit Texas.  We were all anxious to hear (and a few of us really weird people even had bets riding on it) which State Representative would be the one to introduce it.

And the winner is …. Tony Tinderholt, a Republican from Arlington.

Tony is kinda crazy.  He’s been married 5 times, but he opposes marriage equality because Jesus.  His goal with this legislation is to make women “more personally responsible.”  Yeah, did I mention that his first wife had a restraining order against him?  I guess he was just pounding responsibility into her head

When asked why the bill makes no exception for rape or incest, Tinderholt said he’s “a firm believer that God creates children in his own image, regardless of how that child is brought into the world, it’s created in his image, and how can someone want to destroy that?”

There’s responsibility and there’s none of your business.

Thanks to megasoid for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Only Was Was Who?”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Another Republicon eligible for a Trap, Spay, Neuter, and Release program. Although the “release” part of the program should not apply to Tony.

    Tony Tinderholt? Really? Is that his birth certificate name or his Tinder handle?

  2. Rick Stelter says:

    What I gotta know, is if Ol’ Tony is created in his God’s image, why isn’t he invisible?

  3. I wonder if Tony is all right with locking little images of God in cages at the border? Maybe it will teach a little responsibility?

  4. Hmm… wonder where Tony stands on masturbation? All that precious sperm (sarcasm) getting washed down the sink. Do you think he considers that murder?

    Jane & PKM,

    In Tony’s case, if they put him in a shelter, and no one comes to claim him in 7 days they’ll give him the needle. Either way the program worked.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Papa, we know some truly great people who do all they can to find homes so that dogs and cats do not die in shelters. We adopt as many as the ranch will support because no animal should live in a cage. Tony thinks he’s a special snowflake. We tend to agree, or at least to the extent there are a number of exceptions we would make for him. We’d drive all the way to Texas, then take Tony to the WMDBS to beg Thelma to neuter Tony. Then, we’d drive to the nearest Trump Border Village and select a special cage for Tony, if one of his ex-wives or Kirstjen Nielsen doesn’t adopt him.

    Ironic that Tony ‘thinks’ women should be more personally responsible. Like reducing a feral cat colony, the solution is neutering the males. Men can impregnate several women a day well into their eighties; statistics we won’t hear from the Republicon “Party of Personal Responsibility.” Think Donnie. Think neuter.

  6. I’d volunteer to neuter Tony. I’ve never done one before, but I know where the equipment is, and I’ve got a rusty spoon. Any volunteers to hold him down? Might take a couple of you, unless I brain in the head. Well, something him in the head.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Rhea, volunteers not a problem. But can someone bring along a 40x-2500x electron microscope to assist Rhea with locating Tony’s tiny sputniks?

    BTW Dee Cee residents, is there really a 45 Club for the incels in IQ4.5’s maladministration? Since Tweetolini descended the escalator it’s become nearly impossible to sort satire from reality.

  8. Kate Dungan says:

    Married five times. Restraining orders against him by wives and ex wives. Bought his degree from diploma mill. Thinks letting a woman die from sepsis is God’s will. Thinks ten year old rape victims should carry the kid, even if it kills them. Kills funding for birth control. Thinks women should be more “responsible”. Apparently believes in human parthenogenesis.

  9. As a friend of mine said to the Operation Rescue clowns when they came to Austin a few years back. “You are proof that they should allow retroactive abortions.”

  10. @Mike. I did clinic defense and was a patient escort in Mpls/ St Paul, during the 1980s-90s. We used to say the ugly “rescue” clowns needed to have a 4th trimester performed on them. Back alley vasectomies were also standard dreams.

  11. publius bolonius says:

    Too much believing – not enough knowing.

  12. maryelle says:

    Women should be more responsible. Just women? There’s only been one virgin birth to my knowledge. Let’s balance this
    atrocious philosophy by castrating the other party to make men more responsible. I nominate this fool to be first in line.
    Women are always forced to take responsibility, bear the consequences and sometimes lose their lives doing it.

  13. @Mike, they and people like this idiot above are also proof that their god, if he exists, has a really effed-up sense of humor.

  14. leolajeanne says:

    Why is this “man” permitted to not die of apoplexy immediately? There is no god protecting us. If there were, he would be gone… It isn’t about the babies. It’s never about the babies. It’s about the women this blob of tissue hates– I want in on the neutering project. Catch, neuter, release in the desert with no water. God. Just when you feel you’ve seen the very bottom of the bottom of the barrel, a new bottom is revealed…

  15. Austinhatlady says:

    Checked his Wikipedia page. Had forgotten that his first wife also was his second wife.

  16. He reminds me of Uncle Fester, Addams Family.

  17. Linda Phipps says:

    Just offhand, to me the women who need to take responsibility are the idiots who actually married this ass. Also, I had long ago asked what should be the punishment for men who wash their sheets.

  18. Malarkey says:

    God does not create people in his image by raping them.

  19. Fred Farklestone says:

    What kind of person would go to bed with that “freak of nature?” I’d like to see photos of all his ex-wives and boyfriends!

  20. Gads! And then it will come out that he, like a number of other anti-abortion types like Congressman DesJarlais(R-TN) has provided or even forced a woman into an abortion. File this jackdaw under sleaze!!!

  21. Oldymoldy says:

    Are you saying this person is a legislator? How the hell does this happen?!!!!!!!
