The One Word

August 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Washington Post this morning knows the one word that Trump hates, hates, hates.

Trump recently called himself “the least racist person anywhere in the world,” but his history is littered with racist and racially charged comments and actions.

He hates being called a racist simply because there is so much evidence that he is.

Watching him wiggle out of it is a hoot.

“Democrats seem to forget that Trump supporters include blacks, whites, Hispanics and other minority groups who simply love this country,” Mercedes Schlapp, a Trump campaign adviser, said in a text message. “Democrats have shown their absolute disdain for the president and now they have extended their disdain to half of America.”

Well, Honey, if you want to get technical about it, it’s less than half.  And, outside of Ben Carson, Diamond and Silk, and that one guy at all Trump’s rallies, exactly 2% of African American support him.

And even Evangelical are a tad pissed off.  Not because he’s racist, or mean, or dividing America, or worshiping money, or putting children in cages, or robbing social security, or any of those things, but …



They are mad because he used the Lord’s name in vain, which means he broke the last of the ten commandments.


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