The Oink Brigade
Texas Congressmen who voted to give financial incentive to states to kick people off the SNAP program, which feeds hungry children are fittingly the biggest damn hogs in the state.
The ones who took farm subsidies.
Blake Farenthold, who has a net worth of between $10 – $40 million and represents Nueces County, where 19% of the population gets help from the SNAP program.
Randy Neugebauer, who is worth between $6 and $20 million, took at least $4,321 in farm subsidies which came out of the mouths of little children while voting against SNAP. Neugebauer is known as “Yachting Randy” because he bought a yacht with his campaign funds even though he lives n the damn desert.
Mac Thornberry from Potter County where 23% of the population need SNAP funds not to go hungry, took $25,000 in farm subsidies for himself.
Come November 2014, let’s slaughter a few of these hogs.
Thanks to John for the heads up and the graphic.