The Oink Brigade

July 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Congressmen who voted to give financial incentive to states to kick people off the SNAP program, which feeds hungry children are fittingly the biggest damn hogs in the state.

The ones who took farm subsidies.

Blake Farenthold, who has a net worth of between $10 – $40 million and represents Nueces County, where 19% of the population gets help from the SNAP program.

Randy Neugebauer, who is worth between $6 and $20 million, took at least $4,321 in farm subsidies which came out of the mouths of little children while voting against SNAP.  Neugebauer is known as “Yachting Randy”  because he bought a yacht with his campaign funds even though he lives n the damn desert.

Mac Thornberry from Potter County where 23% of the population need SNAP funds  not to go hungry, took $25,000 in farm subsidies for himself.

Come November 2014, let’s slaughter a few of these hogs.

Thanks to John for the heads up and the graphic.

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0 Comments to “The Oink Brigade”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Don’t you know they’re proud of themselves. I think we oughta get a group together with hoggy masks and go stand outside their offices and go OINK! OINK!

  2. I’m afraid the old saying is coming true (“Sometimes things have to get worse, before they they get better.”) These guys are Repug-nant.

  3. Umptydump says:

    If you’ll follow the link in JJ’s story, the front page of the report has a photo of a herd of pigs slobbering at the trough. Farenthold is the big one – sixth from the left.

  4. daisymae says:

    You sure grow ’em fugly down there!

  5. Hoo, boy! Every time a certain type of appropriation shows up in Congress, a report like this hits the media — and baby, every word of it is true! With their gross and net income, such people should never be eligible for such farm payments. Its useless to personally convince them to give the $$ back. That part of their conscience has been erased a long time ago. What is necessary is a law, and shucks, as congresscritters they would never vote for such a dang thing! Now for the hungry in this country who actually really do have to rely on food stamps, it is a totally mandatory program. The cuts the Repug House-critters want are supposed to take place over a number of years. That’s this time around and that’s where the rub really lies. They could vote in the near future to make things even worse. These numnuts could never survive on food stamps. Most food stamp folks have to go to the nearest church pantry before the month is out to supplement their food stamp allotment. Yet yah hear all this blah-blah about letting the churches and charities do it all! Yeah, riiiiight!!! Those pantries get wiped out so quick its ridiculous. 2014 elections are coming up. Mid-terms are exactly that, a test that must be taken to see how many have learned their lessons and can pass. Time to hear that bugle call, people!

  6. sparklequeen says:

    Just curious about two things:
    How many of these SNAP users are children with parents who vote?
    Would these potentially angry voters be responsible for the need for Panic Buttons?

  7. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    If anyone wants to look up their congresscritters to see if they collect farm subsidies

    Hippie in the Hollar.

  8. Sparklequeen, here is how it works around my territory. If you are on food stamps, 10 to 1 you may even be in a public shelter which means the address on your voter registration card does not match the shelter address. If you are in a publicly subsidized apartment, you should notify the voter registration people where you live and get a new card. Where I live, I am not only asked for my voter registration card but my driver’s license as well. Its that address thing that’s the rub.

  9. Christina Fischbach says:

    Anyone finding these men unfairly representing their constituents and derelict of duty should publicly speak up against them as we’ll as directly to them . Awareness can vote them out of office.

  10. Bananas says:

    Doesn’t look like Farenthold misses too many meals

  11. Sissy Farenthold:
    Most Excellent Grand Dame of Texas politics

    Blake Farenthold, her “step-grandson”:
    Big selfish jerk – unworthy of the Farenthold name.

  12. Old Boys voting against funding SNAP aren’t necessarily farmers receiving ag subsidies, although that’s the point of JJ’s remarks. When Sen. McCain sought publicity using Twitter to remark that $243,000 for bee research in Texas was an earmark. No reporter thought to look it up & report that it was actually the amount in the USDA’s annual budget for bee research critical to food production. Now did the media look into the actual earmarks for Texas that amounts to around $20 BILLION annually. Those fat cats ought to keep their yammers shut!

  13. Sorry for not ckg for errors before posting. ~ Eve

  14. Lorraine in Spring says:

    That bunch needs to face the children they’re starving.

    From a distance, of course, I wouldn’t want any of the little children to get eaten by those greedy gluttonous sloths.

    Which reminds me…. wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony…. Hmm, the 7 Deadly Sins. Those buffoons got at least 3 down already.

  15. mike from iowa says:

    What tiny corner ofhell are these…….uh……..people? considered actual Christians? Their only religion seems to be feed and clothe the wealthy,themselves included.

  16. maryelle says:

    One can only hope, pray and protest that these venal creatures are forced to suffer the consequences of their greed.

  17. Corinne Sabo says:

    Id think it is hog rendering time. Remember Fried Green Tomatoes?

  18. Marge Wood says:


  19. Marge Wood says:

    Just for the record, I had gotten the idea a few weeks ago that Playtex stuff was made by Georgia Pacific, you know the one of Koch bros. fame? I have searched for probably an hour trying to find any connections and couldn’t find any. I did learn that there are multiple makers/distributors for Playtex products and that furthermore, Hanesbrand is probably a good investment. Just saying.

  20. Marge, anything that contains lycra puts money in Koch Bros pockets which of course would include most undergarments
