The Lindsey Graham Question

May 14, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is giving me a headache the size of a 1956 Buick.

Does Donald Trump have dirt on Lindsey Graham that causes Graham to act like a bubble off plumb OR did John McCain have dirt on Lindsey that caused him to act semi-sane?

Graham is head of the Senate Judiciary Committee and he is giving free legal advice to a subpoenaed witness before the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is also headed by a Republican.  That’s screwed up, y’all.  That’s nothing more than attempting to belittle the very institution and political party that Graham has spent hid life trying to build.

Graham told Donald Junior to plead the Fifth when he testifies.  “Then,” explained Graham, “it’s all over.”

Ya think? Honey, pleading the Fifth doesn’t make it all over any more than Barr’s lies about Mueller’s report makes it all over.

He’s head of the damn judiciary committee and he’s giving advice like that?

So Graham is saying that what this country needs right now is more cover-up.

Yeah, that’ll do the trick.


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