The Layers of Filth

June 16, 2022 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

It would be easy to do a drive by on something like this. It is just way too easy on so many levels. However, doing so presents a problem that is hard to ignore. However, first, we should probably do the payoff on the pun that you’ve been waiting for.

Again, this is way too easy and considering the wild rumors about Boebert that we have seen lately it makes the tweet that much more cringeworthy. The self-own is the cruelest own of all. However, this brings two very important points to the forefront. First, these rumors are unsubstantiated. Secondly, let’s pretend that even half of them are true. Let’s say she did get an abortion in her past. Is that really so bad given where we want the country to be on choice?

The go to response would be that she is the ultimate hypocrite and that is certainly true, but maybe she had a genuine change of heart. Maybe she had a genuine conversion experience. Maybe a lot of things. What is much more likely is that none of it is true. Heck, the Ted Cruz rumors are bizarre and disgusting quite frankly. Either way, while she certainly has invited this kind of behavior with her own, it also is fair to say she doesn’t deserve all of that.

However, when you own yourself like you do with the tweet above I suppose you get what you deserve. In this case, I suppose someone like Kasparian would better land a jab than anyone from the male population. So, I will let that fastball sail high and outside and wait for the next pitch. It’s just not a really good look for anyone involved. Cheap laughs are fun, but it’s hard to get around the fact that they are cheap.

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0 Comments to “The Layers of Filth”

  1. If the rumors are true, it reinforces two important ideas:
    1. Sex work is real work.
    2. All women deserve access to healthcare. Abortion is healthcare.

  2. Matt Gaezt would pray on his knees right behind her to give “strength”.

  3. BarbinDC says:

    What is indisputable is that she did not graduate from High School, much less college, and that she is as dumb as a post. I guess the people of Colorado are impressed with her level of stupidity.

  4. Papa @1, lol! I was going to say something witty but you said it all!

    Lets not forget, ‘Obama’s Birth Certificate’!

  5. “these rumors are unsubstituted.”
    The word is “unsubstantiated”. Not proven, versus not exchanged.

    Once again Nick is playing way too nice with a deadly enemy.
    Go for the jugular, Nick.
    Take every advantage, never allow them the slightest bit of positivity. Be truthful, but if it’s possible/necessary, bend the shit out of it to make them look as bad as possible.
    Never waste a chance at negativity. Even if some of it may remotely possibly need to be walked back later, should one even bother to, no one will care anyway [‘if you’re explaining, you’re losing’].

    They play the game that way, we have to just level the playing field. And level every one of them every chance we get, and this is a big opportunity to take one of their worst down.

    Who gives a shit if you have to get your boots dirty slopping around in the barnyard manure… [You need to be wearing shitkickin’ boots anyway in this game, not sneakers or godforbid sandals.]

  6. Yes, yes. Poor Lauren is as dumb as a bag of hair.
    And yes, this one is too easy. Too cheap. But by all of her previous actions even excluding this current kurfuffle—-there is always room in that bag for more hair.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    When you live by lies, this is what you get. Deservedly in MHO. Let’s not forget the bad things she’s said and done which CAN be substantiated. Many were cheap shots that weren’t funny.

  8. Nick Carraway says:

    I realized that when I published it Sandridge. I blame autocorrect, but better copyediting is needed. I have corrected that.

    In terms of being too nice I’ll make a couple of salient points on the subject. I think it was a West Wing episode where one of the characters (probably Josh) pointed out that having a right wing blowhard in a prominent position was actually a great fundraising win for the Democratic party. Let’s face it. How many bills is she really going to write or co-sponsor? She is a lightening rod that provides more than enough bulletin board material for the powers that be to fundraise off of.

    To borrow the baseball analogy for the moment, there have been a ton of successful hitters over the years. Some swing aggressively, strike out a lot, but hit a ton of dingers. Others are more selective and make consistent contact. I tend to be the latter, but teams need both to be successful. I’ll let someone else dive in the mud and fight tooth and nail. I recognize that some need to do that for us to win. I’m just not that guy.

  9. Nick @8, I never trust autocorrect, or Republicans.

    I’ve never seen West Wing and pay no attention to baseball [or almost all other sports].
    You very often write about and bring out very useful and interesting topics and political wrinkles; much appreciated.
    But you really should try to be much meaner and nastier towards the Rethug enemy, they really do want you and the rest of us dead. One just cannot be nice to such demons as that.
    Maybe we could have a special Salon donation fund to raise money in get you a couple of pairs of shitkickin’ boots? One pair with the pointy toes [which have two purposes…one of which concerns cockroaches, the other assholes..].

    You make a decent point about outrageous Rethugs helping Democrats to raise more money than perhaps otherwise.
    But those same vile Rethugs probably raise ten times as much for their side.
    The prime example being Loser Don, who has scarfed up almost half a billion dollars since leaving ‘office’.
    Granted, he’s scamming the Rethuglikans by making it appear that the money will go to help elect Rethugs.
    While he, his family and minions skim off 90% of the dinero. Lesser Rethugs are doing the same, with much of the take skimmed off.

    But I just luvs it, because investigations have shown that more than half the money going to these grifters is coming from small donors, many retirees. Most of whom are certainly having to cut personal corners to do so. Which is great, since medical care expenses are probably getting trimmed to adjust, so statistically more of them will be dying sooner. Win-win.

    So, when does the ‘Weak Element’ [DiJioT] get indicted on multiple charges?

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    You can’t sugarcoat boobert and frankly I don’t give a crap about her. What I care about is the bigger picture which continues to show a significant number of R’s supporting the big lie. That’s what we need to pay attention to.
    I thought today’s Jan 6 hearing showed 2 things- 1) a really not very smart DJT was easily convinced he could overturn the election and wanted to at any cost. By no means am I suggesting he is innocent by stupidity because he was the president and had the “very best” advisers, and 2) john eastman is now the main culprit (and he should be one of 2). The two of them incited a riot that led to several deaths and threats to kill members of congress and the VP of the United States. If they are not held accountable, we are in deep shit. That’s what I care about. Louren Boebert means nothing to me. She’s a waste of energy.

  11. john in denver says:

    I’m in a neighboring Congressional district, but wind up seeing a fair amount about the person elected by CO-3 voters of 2020, Lauren ‘Bim’ Boebert.

    There are plenty of incontrovertible, substantive reasons for opposing her on the basis of her policy positions and her unwillingness to work on behalf of the whole district.

    There are partisan reasons for opposing her, as she has become a “symbol” for the Republican Party in its current, Trumpiest incarnation. Eliminating an office holder who successfully grabs media attention serves as a cautionary tale for other Republicans. If she loses her primary contest to a more conventional Republican, the votes will remain the same, but the “symbol” will be removed.

    There are reasons to oppose her on the basis of character, as she has yet to fullly explain MANY elements of her family’s finances, her businesses’ finances, and her 2020 campaign’s finances. Her apparent willingness to cut corners while running a food truck at a fair.

    And then there are a variety of attacks I don’t understand to be relevant: her unwillingness to back up two other young women’s account of the bowling alley interaction with Jason; if she had abortions; how and where her children were delivered; if she was inspired to try politics by encounters with a member of the Koch family or Ted Cruz; if her tweets are “self-owns” or not.

  12. Sam in Mellen says:

    The most horrifying thing is the image of her and Ted making getting it on. I’m sure she was on top as Ted is spineless.

  13. Larry started the rumour, waited until it was publicised, then sues (for the money) .

  14. Nick Carraway says:

    I get what you are saying Sandridge. I really do. I suppose I split the difference on this one as much as possible. I follow the letter of the law and bury them with it. The 14th amendment says you cannot raise insurrection against the United States and serve in Congress. That means every single one of those jackasses that led recon tours, participated in planning, or acted on that day should be expelled from Congress and barred from ever serving again at the bare minimum. That would also include the orange menace as well.

    From there. you start prosecuting these idiots yesterday. This should have been done a long time ago. I like the fact that the Jan6 committee is publicizing their findings. It’s time to bring the hammer. Of course, if people have proof of the stuff about Boebert great, but I’m not throwing around bullshit when we have more than enough actual crap we can get her on.

  15. But you gotta go with your strengths.

  16. Jay Reardon says:

    Spending more time “performing” on her knees rather than on her back might have obviated the need for any abortion.

  17. Oldymoldy says:

    I was trying to come up with remarks similar, but those of Sandridge, are much more succinct and to the point! Hafta agree entirely. The republicans fight dirty and trying to nice our way through this shit doesn’t work . All it does is encourage them to shit on us. So, with that being said I’m going to repeat that I believe tfg should be hung, since that post was deleted by unknown deleters.
