The Law Of Political Thermonuclear Dynamics at Work

February 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In case you’re wondering what the political law of thermonuclear dynamics is — when the heat is on someone else, it’s not on you.

Thank you, Arizona, for taking the heat off Texas.

az70Arizona is trying to pass SB1435, in which they redefine what an Open Meeting is.  It used to be that in Arizona any time a governmental body met in a quorum which discusses any manner of the public’s business, it was an open meeting subject to attendance by the citizenry and recorded for prosperity.

I guess they got tired of the horrendous and very public ridicule they were getting.  They want to change that to mean “only when action is taken.”  That means they can say all the dumb stuff they want behind closed doors, but the only part of the public’s business you get to see in public is the actual vote, which generally takes less than a full minute.

In other words, the open meetings law will be changed to mean the open voting law.

That whole democracy thing isn’t working out very well in Arizona.

Thanks to Bunny for the heads up.

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