The Law Of Political Thermonuclear Dynamics at Work

February 17, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In case you’re wondering what the political law of thermonuclear dynamics is — when the heat is on someone else, it’s not on you.

Thank you, Arizona, for taking the heat off Texas.

az70Arizona is trying to pass SB1435, in which they redefine what an Open Meeting is.  It used to be that in Arizona any time a governmental body met in a quorum which discusses any manner of the public’s business, it was an open meeting subject to attendance by the citizenry and recorded for prosperity.

I guess they got tired of the horrendous and very public ridicule they were getting.  They want to change that to mean “only when action is taken.”  That means they can say all the dumb stuff they want behind closed doors, but the only part of the public’s business you get to see in public is the actual vote, which generally takes less than a full minute.

In other words, the open meetings law will be changed to mean the open voting law.

That whole democracy thing isn’t working out very well in Arizona.

Thanks to Bunny for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Law Of Political Thermonuclear Dynamics at Work”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    Says legal action which means underhanded,illegal stuff can be done without public input,output or putting up with.

  2. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Well, so much for that whole Democracy thing. Back to Feudalism for us!

    I hope they let us keep our names. Mine mean’s “I hate Republicans” in Latin.

  3. Any chance the proposal will include the bill’s sponsors must run for office in private as well? It might be worth it then, if we never had to listen to them.

  4. First of all, just what has Arizona got to be proud of? No wonder they really, really want to go to the back of the cave and zip it up after them.

    Second, that Texas judge is about to discover that the Federalist Society — of all people! — side with Obama on the Executive Actions. This just may cause His Honor’s head to explode.

  5. The ironic part is that for the most part these people were elected or appointed by elected officials, so it is democracy of a sort–Arizona style, with a big helping of stupidity.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    That federal judge is openly anti-immigrant,dumbass dubya appointee who isn’t shy about his feelings for people with brown skin or the Potus,either.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Orange IS the new treason. Boner says if Dems don’t vote with wingnuts to repeal amnesty the DHS will be shut down due to lack of funding. With Boner and wingnuts in charge the terrorists win hands down.

  8. Elise Von Holten says:

    I am so glad I left AZ at a young age. I cannot see ever going back to live, although the 45th year high school reunion is this year…I may go to that, depending on how hot it is there then. I have no desire to be in the heat with the dead desert surrounding me, I was there for a funeral 15 years ago and the desert was dying then. It’s sad, but the political climate is now so awful, I don’t want to engage the “Frightwing” people (including my father) who never question if they are correct or not. I most often have nothing but questions, including asking what my own motivations are in the choices I make. It’s not a good mix, so I do not visit often…It’s sad to me.

  9. Elise, I am stealing “Frightwing.” Not only are they frightening, but they’re doing all this garbage because they’re frightened. Frightened animals that think they’re trapped and cornered and everybody is out to kill them and destroy their way of life. (Never tried it myself, but I hear smoking a joint relaxes you– some of them should try it, maybe.) And they do all they can to make us just as frightened as they are– e.g. we should all carry guns to protect ourselves from the other idiots carrying guns.

    “Frightwing” sums them up perfectly. Thank you.

  10. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    The Haines Township supervisors (3 of them) announced its intent to vacate a section of township road so that the quarry could expand across the road without hindrance. The people in the township weren’t happy with the proposal and many of them made plans to attend the regularly scheduled township meeting where the giveaway was to be considered. Not wishing to deal with citizen input, the meeting was cancelled and shortly afterward an “emergency meeting” was called and the ordinance was approved with no discussion — because there was no one there to discuss it. The other fun thing that happens around here is that when there is a sensitive topic on the agenda for the school boards they will move that item into “Executive Session” which is intended to allow discussion of personnel or other sensitive matters in private. In this case the sensitivity seems to be the egos of the board members.

  11. Elizabeth Moon says:

    “Executive Session” is the back-room in which to deal for virtually all elected bodies. Now there are times you’re required to use it (have been in some of those), but a lot of the time it’s for things that ought not to be secret. Emergency meetings still do have notification requirements (at least they did when I was on city council) but the lead time is a lot shorter, and the level of notification is less (IOW, you don’t have to publish it in as many places.)

  12. Wonder just when “transparency” is likely to rear its ugly head in crAZy Arizona??

  13. “Elected bodies.” I think that’s going to be the key here. I hope.

  14. linda phipps says:

    Rhea …(Never tried it myself, but I hear smoking a joint relaxes you– some of them should try it, maybe.) … first they have to take time out from the good old whiteboy drug of choice, Meth.

  15. Secret meetings epitomize just what the rwnj’s are about.
    They really hate the idea of democracy, especially for people who don’t agree with them. They will get their way, even if they have to resort to fascism, which is what this amounts to.
