The King of Defamation Sues The NY Times for Defamation

February 26, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, Lie, Trump

File under This will Give You Whiplash, Trump filed suit today against The NY Times for an opinion piece claiming libel and defamation. He didn’t like that the piece pointed out the obvious that his campaign had a quid pro quo with Russia to damage Hillary for Trump’s benefit.  As we are all painfully aware, Trump spews a stream of insults, falsehoods, lies, and defamation in a continuous stream, including public and private figures.  His case will be almost impossible to prove, and this being NY state court, the case will likely be dismissed in short order.  No matter, though, Trump loves to threaten legal action against critics as a tactic to silence them.

This won’t work, but it just shows how far we’ve fallen that the president of the United States is now attempting to use the courts to punish his political critics.

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