The Horror!
Senator Susan Collins is either the most wimpy woman on the planet or maybe deaf. I dunno.
She called the police and filed a report because somebody, probably a transgender hooligan socialist, wrote a message on her sidewalk that she obviously felt was threatening.
The chalk art, described in the police report as “intricately drawn” and non-threatening, read: “Susie, please, Mainers want WHPA —–> vote yes, clean up your mess.” WHPA refers to the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify abortion rights.
Yeah, you read that right. It was in chalk and it said please. Oh, the pearl clutching at the Collins house!
The police said it wasn’t a crime, but somebody from the public works department went over to clean Collins’ sidewalk – I imagine with a garden hose.
She didn’t back down.
“We are grateful to the Bangor police officers and the city public works employee who responded to the defacement of public property in front of our home.”
Look, I am not in favor of demonstrating in front of the justices’ homes, but damn, woman. It’s chalk. I don’t call the police when the kids of Republicans on my block draw a hopscotch game on my sidewalk because it’s shady there. I give them cookies.
Honey, you need to get a hobby besides believing lying men.